Should You Pay Bad Employees to Quit?

$2,000! That’s how much Zappos will pay you, not as a signing bonus, but to quit your job!  That’s right—$2,000 NOT to stay with them. Would you do it? Based on asking groups this question, people usually fall into one of three camps: The first group says, “Heck yeah, I’ll leave here faster than the […]

How to Give Good Feedback to Your Team

Have you ever tried giving feedback and felt like you were either walking on eggshells or tossing a grenade?  Feedback is the thing we all love to give but hate to receive. Let’s face it: Feedback sessions sometimes feel like you’re about to ruin someone’s day or yours. Seventy-five percent of employees believe feedback is […]

4 Questions Every Strategy Retreat Should Answer

You have an upcoming team strategy retreat but don’t have an agenda yet. Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered! You want to make it valuable, worthwhile, and productive, but you’ve never run a strategy retreat. Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered! Several years ago, I was elected to the board of the National Speakers Association […]

How To Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals

“What’s your personal goal?” I asked him. “To go to the gym,” he responded. “Great! How many times?” I asked. “Three times per week,” he responded. “Great! For how long?” “45 minutes.” “Great! Is that 45 minutes for all three sessions or 45 minutes per session?” “Each session.” “Great! Lastly, is this something you’ll have […]

How to Run an Effective Brainstorming Session

Have you ever been in a brainstorming session that felt more like a brain-draining session? Brainstorming sessions get a bad rap, but the end result of a great brainstorming session is exactly what leaders want: Creative ideas, team bonding, and new energy. But most people are bad at running brainstorming sessions because no one ever […]

Bringing Mindfulness Into Your Team

Mindfulness in the workplace – I know. I know. Some of you are like, “Dude, stop with the meditation-wasting time stuff and get to work!” But hear me out. Mindfulness is more than a wellness trend. Did you know that, according to a study by Aetna, mindfulness programs can increase productivity by an average of […]

Creating an Effective Onboarding Process for New Members in Your Organization

Keep burning your cash in the bonfire, or create a successful onboarding/orientation program for your new people and watch retention rates skyrocket. Considering the fact that 50% of all hourly workers leave new jobs within the first 120 days and what a student does within the first 90 days of entering college determines their behavior […]

Vision, Mission, and Values Part 3: Creating a Mission Statement

In my last post, I shared a process for creating a vision for your organization. What type of world do you want to create? If everything goes right, the vision will be the final result of all your efforts. I referred to this as the mountain you want to climb. Now that you are clear […]

How To Run A Strategy Retreat For Your Organization

It didn’t take long for the celebratory election smiles to fade to confusion and fear as we realized we didn’t know what we would do for the next 12 months. Six people, including myself, were elected into leadership positions in our local National Speaker’s Association chapter. We accepted our new task of running the chapter […]

Three Effective Ways to Increase Productivity and Focus in Meetings

I felt naked without my cell phone next to me during the meeting. As I entered the room for our two-hour meeting, someone greeted me with a briefcase filled with cell phones. I was told that everyone was required to place their cell phone into the briefcase before entering the room. My first reaction was, […]

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