The Failed Promise of Open Office Spaces

Innocently enough, a co-worker of mine recently asked me about a meal replacement shake I was having for lunch. While I was explaining the finer points of the ingredients, another co-worker overheard our conversation from her desk in our open office space and chimed in. Moments later, another co-worker made a sarcastic comment about my […]
How To Plan a Spooky Themed Retreat

The night before retreat, I panicked and barely slept. The thoughts running through my head were, “did I prep enough?” “Will we get everything done?” “I hope everyone likes the surprises!” “Oh no, I definitely forgot that!” I wanted my first retreat to go so well, that my anxious brain took over. Well….all my panic […]
How Reflection Can Boost Your Team’s Productivity and Efficiency

You’re finally ready to take on the workday. You have your game face on, and you just set some S.M.A.R.T. goals that are neatly pinned up next to your computer. Now all you have to do is work, right? Goal setting gets you nowhere; goal achieving and consistent optimizations of your approach will. This is […]
Resources for 8 Top Interview Tips and Best Practices

It is that time of the year! As a student leader, you have all the skills you need to secure a great position. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy to rock an interview. Personally, I always get nervous when it comes time for interviews. I always worry about what I’ll be asked in the interview, […]
Raising the Tide on Silent Waters

I’m a guy who loves really great quotes. This past year, I came across one that really spoke to me. It is a Gaelic Proverb that says, “Waves will rise on silent waters.” I interpret it to mean that great things happen where you least expect them, too. There is always an opportunity for someone […]
‘Perspectivizing’ Your Online Engagement Data

Ok, I made that word up, but before our etymologist readers split for the hills, hear me out as to what it means. We help run the social media accounts of a couple education related companies. Every month we run an analytics report to measure what’s working, what’s not working, and the overall growth of […]