It’s Important To Be Heard – A Student Leader Spotlight

We are always meeting student leaders who are going the extra mile to make others feel welcome and build community culture on their campuses. We realized that one great way to learn from each other is to spotlight different students who have made an impact on the lives of their fellow students. Meet Nicolas Spencer, a […]

“We can go together”- A Student Leader Spotlight

We are always meeting student leaders who are going the extra mile to make others feel welcome and build community culture on their campuses. We realized that one great way to learn from each other is to spotlight different students who have made an impact on the lives of their fellow students. Meet Jordyn Joens, a […]

Turning Teams into “Families”

Who’s ever participated in an icebreaker that requires you to name off one fun fact about yourself? I know I have several times this semester in classes and during club meetings on campus (and it’s a great idea for building teams, like these other icebreakers). What do I usually say for my fun fact? Well, it’s either […]

An Open Doors, Open Hearts Moment at Orientation- A Student Leader Spotlight

Swift Kick Values - Open Doors Open Hearts

We are always meeting student leaders who are going the extra mile to make others feel welcome and build community culture on their campuses. We realized that one great way to learn from each other is to spotlight different students who have made an impact on the lives of their fellow students. Meet Keren Bakke, […]

Jabs and Right Hooks for Gaining and Retaining Student Engagement

Recently, I read a really awesome social marketing book called Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook* by Gary Vaynerchuck. He talks about the fact that on social media, you have to engage your brand’s fans with share-able, interesting content (jabs) before switching to the “sell” posts (right hooks). For example, a cat food company might share a […]

4 Ways to Reel in the New Members

Ahh, the beginning of a new semester… as a campus leader, you are excited about this! You have personal goals of raising your GPA and increasing your social network, and then you also have goals for your campus organization. Whether it is increasing the amount of funds for your organization’s philanthropy, or increasing attendance at […]

School is Here- Where’s the Enthusiasm?

The beginning of the school year is always the same. You see first years with a weird mix of nervousness and excitement, and upperclassmen with little to no energy. You’ll walk into a classroom and see the split right away. The first years are sitting in the front row and have all the school supplies […]

Open Your Heart: 3 Ways to Use Life Defining Moments to Strengthen Your Team

Today marks another year in the books for QUEST, a first year summer leadership experience at my university. Each year I’ve served as a peer mentor during QUEST, helping the freshmen in our program to adjust well to campus, become engaged leaders, and develop personal goals for the year. Each year, the peer mentors and […]

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