Escape the Office, Ignite Your Strategy: Why Offsite Retreats Are Worth Every Penny

A client recently faced a dilemma: host their upcoming strategy retreat in their familiar (and free!) office space, or splurge on an offsite location. It was a classic case of “save money” vs. “spend money.” After some discussion, they chose the latter. This reminds me of a time when a university invited me to speak […]

The Remote Work Engagement Crisis: How Leaders Can Turn the Tide

AI Crashed My Virtual Team-Building Party. I recently found myself staring into the abyss—or rather, a grid of blank Zoom squares. I was hired to inject some life into a remote team struggling with disengagement, so I eagerly anticipated 20 faces ready for connection. Instead, five sent their AI note-takers (rude!), seven hid behind camera-off […]

Is Your Company Culture Rotten to the Core? Here’s How to Fix It:

Is your company culture more toxic than a reality TV reunion? Every company has a culture, whether they realize it or not. It’s the personality of your organization, the shared values and beliefs that shape how people behave. And just like people, cultures can be healthy or the workplace equivalent of that coworker who microwaves […]

Finding Future Leaders Within Your People

Hold back the tears because, at some point, you will have to pass on the leadership role to someone else. In our world, we call these people Trending Leaders. But don’t worry; it’s easier than choosing what to watch on Netflix each night. The process of finding, picking, and training these people happens long before […]

Onboarding New Member

No one likes being the new kid. You don’t know the rules. You don’t know anyone. The group cliques are already made. Your broken glasses are taped up, and your hand-me-down farm overalls barely fit anymore. Oh, is that just me? Anyways…” Being new to a community is challenging. However, onboarding new members is critical […]

4 Questions Every Strategy Retreat Should Answer

You have an upcoming team strategy retreat but don’t have an agenda yet. Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered! You want to make it valuable, worthwhile, and productive, but you’ve never run a strategy retreat. Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered! Several years ago, I was elected to the board of the National Speakers Association […]

How to Delegate Work To Your Team

So you aspire to be a leader, huh? Well, the only way to achieve leadership is by guiding others to accomplish tasks. This means, at some point, you will need to delegate work to others. Great leaders are adept at delegation. Renowned leadership expert John C. Maxwell once said, “If you want to do a […]

How to Achieve Perfect Team Alignment in Three Simple Steps

Teamwork makes the dream work! Can I see a show of hands, how many of you resonate with that phrase?  Only a few hands are going up. Some of you may be recalling your school days, cringing at the memory of group projects. Well, for better or worse, group projects are a part of our […]

Creating an Effective Onboarding Process for New Members in Your Organization

Keep burning your cash in the bonfire, or create a successful onboarding/orientation program for your new people and watch retention rates skyrocket. Considering the fact that 50% of all hourly workers leave new jobs within the first 120 days and what a student does within the first 90 days of entering college determines their behavior […]

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