Say Something Nice [BLENDER EVENT]

Improve Everywhere is known for creating scenes, which is probably why we love so much of what they create. In their latest scene, they strapped a megaphone to a podium and placed it in the middle of Union Square in NYC with a sign that read, “Say Something Nice.” Imagine if your campus created a […]
Blender Events Brainstorming List

If you follow our blog, you probably noticed we started a new segment called ‘Blender Events‘ where we highlight possible Blender Events student leaders could run on their campus. If you’re a DFT alumni, you should already know the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of Blender Events. If the term is brand new to you, click here to […]
Post-It Note War [BLENDER EVENT]

3M may have intended Post-it notes to help us remember everything from a meeting to picking up extra milk, but when artists stepped in, they took Post-it notes, and art, to a whole new level. Imagine if your campus created a Post-it note war between Residence Halls where each floor, or building, had one week to […]

KLM leveraged Social Media to creatively engage their traveling customers with a pattern interrupt of happiness. Imagine if your campus had a Social Media Prize Patrol that would track students down via public tweets and deliver them a pattern interrupt of happiness. ** To learn more about Blender Events, click here. To learn more about our Dance Floor […]
The Why Behind FREE HUGS

In our Dance Floor Theory™ program, we divide member engagement within a community into six different stages… Technically it’s seven, but that’s another story for another time. We call these six stages The Engagement Pyramid™. Each stage is defined by a different set of characteristics for an individual. Fully engaged members display different characteristics than […]
Fun @ Swift Kick Central
Right now we are knee-deep in HTML coding, logo designing, and HTTP getting that it’s only natural for us to release some steam and have a little fun. With the help of our stupefiant intern, Tony, we created a National Facebook Poke Day. The idea is to poke as many people as possible on April […]