San Antonio’s Involvement Dashboard

San Antonio College was the first school to launch Red Rover in ’09 with the new involvement dashboard. Oh my is it fun? Talk about doing more with less in times of tight budgets: Two hours after they ran their orientation, Tyler Archer was able to go into the involvement dashboard and see what actually […]
The Value of a College Degree in the Networked World

Working in San Francisco with the Red Rover programming team, so this will be quick. mycreditunion kristian welch consume Schools used to base their value on ownership of the books and the information. Now many are sharing what they know for free. As a group, schools are beginning to value sharing over hoarding. The old […]
Podcast on Technology and the Future of Higher Education

In a podcast with Paul Miller of Project Xiphos, Kevin talked about technology and the future of higher education. The podcast runs 38 minutes, but if your time is short, here are some key quotes from Kevin I pulled while listening. – Education needs technology to stay relevant – Apathy is oil in the ground […]
First Year Disorientation: Retention and Community in Higher Education, Part 1

I grew up in Minnesota and went to college at the University of Oregon. In high school, I had an incredible group of friends. I was never the cool guy per se, but I felt appreciated, influential, and comfortable. My first year in Oregon was a social mess. I was lonely and often depressed. In […]
What’s the Responsibility of the Digital Consumer

Most of the conversations I’ve read about the importance of digital identities (here and here) put the responsibility on the producers of the information to be more aware of what they are posting online. Like teaching students about their digital identity so next time the student will pause to think about what they post online […]
Why Students and Faculty Sometimes Miss Each Other

The current crop of adults grew up in a world of physical identity where behavior was modulated according to where someone was. The audience was clear. One could swear in front of friends – Not at school. The current generation of students grew up in a world largely influenced by digital identity were the reality, […]
Teaching The Google Effect and Digital Identities

Have you ever Googled yourself? What did you find? What didn’t you find? This morning Will Richardson wrote about several conversations he’s had with principals and administrations regarding if and how they use Google when hiring new employees: “When you have some applicants lined up for a teaching vacancy, do you “Google” them? Seems a […]
Thoughts on Thoughts on Thoughts

Our ideas come from a collection of conversations, books, articles, blogs, and videos among many other sources. We are active participants in what is coined the Read/Write Web in which someone takes a little content to produce a little content. We are both consumers and produces at the same time. It’s very gratifying to receive […]
Timing Matters and Immunity to Viralness

There are three stages to Red Rover setup: School admin sets up groups at school. Student leaders set up their individual groups (summary and tags) Students set themselves up and join groups Step three is basically the “online orientation” part. We’ve been told by a few schools that they plan on including step three as […]
Laissez-faire About Privacy

After visiting 30 schools and talking to hundreds, if not thousands, of college students in the past two years, my conclusion is this: Students do not care about privacy in any fundamental sense. They just don’t. They figure the government just shouldn’t or wouldn’t mess with them. Corporations aren’t even on the radar. The only […]