Know That You Are Not Alone – Seeing Support That is Already There

“Only 30 more days, I can do it!” My fellow cohort members and I are on the home-stretch for the last official month of our first semester of graduate school, and at first I had no idea how I was going to push through it.  First I went with a count-down, but I found myself […]

Learning Can Be Spontaneous and Unexpected

Spontaneous learning recently occurred for one of my resident assistants when she had to deal with a tough situation.  When everyone was freaking out, she remained calmed and handled the situation by calling who she needed to call to get the individuals the help they needed.  While she had been previously trained through mock situations […]

Education Reform: Feeling Like An Outsider

A couple of weeks ago, I attended the inaugural #140edu conference in NYC, which brought together several hundred educators for two days to talk about the future of education. Modeled after TED, each person was given roughly 10 minutes to talk about his/her topic. My topic was on leveraging social media to increase student engagement […]

The New Mexico State Fight Song: The Long History Of Drinking & College

Aggies, Oh Aggies The hills send back the cry WWW.TIPPERARYGOLFCLUB.COM/STATS/ We’re here to do or die Aggies, Oh Aggies We’ll win this game or know the reason why And when we win this game We’ll buy a keg of booze And drink it to the Aggies Till we wobble in our shoes A-G-G-I-E-S! Aggies, Aggies, […]

Sir Ken Robinson: Masterful Messenger for the Education Revolution [VIDEO]

Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson is a valuable asset to the education revolution community. Not because he’s trumpeting new ideas, in fact many of his ideas have been around a long time, but it’s in the way he delivers the message. He makes the revolution real, human, personal, and funny. Here’s his latest TED Talk from February […]

Guiding Principles – Part 3

The following is the third part of our assumptions pulled from our “Guiding Principles” Wikipage. Here is Part 1 and Part 2 Assumptions Part 3: These are broad based and not as set as principles. It’s useful to list assumptions, just to be clear on the thought behind the system. Some of these are more […]

Guiding Principles – Part 2

The following is the second part of our assumptions, pulled from our “Guiding Principles” Wikipage. Here is Part 1** Assumptions Part 2: These are broad based and not as set as principles. It’s useful to list assumptions, just to be clear on the thought behind the system. Some of these are more controversial than others. […]

Guiding Principles – Part 1

Our Wikispace reminds me of my over stuffed parents’ attic. Among all the “once cool/relevant but now outdated” stuff are gems that got lost in the noise. In the process of updating a few Wiki pages, I stumbled upon our “Guiding Principles” page and, in rereading, realized it’s well worth exposing to the light once […]

Students Helping Students

Students Helping Students

Kansas State University’s “Students Helping Students” campaign has the potential to be a national theme for peer-to-peer learning. For those who’ve had us on campus working with your student leaders, you should recognize the Blender Events and Flash Mobs throughout the video. Enjoy! VIDEO FILE NO LONGER AVAILABLE

The Anyone, Anything, Anytime, Anywhere Education

The Anyone, Anything, Anytime, Anywhere Education

Whether educational institutions like it or not, education is changing and walled gardens are evaporating. New ideas in education are emerging…or, probably better to say, old ideas are finally able to be technologically implemented. Whichever the case, the change is no longer bound by old ideas like nationality, income, time, or location. ANYONE: The One […]

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