Your New Best Friend, Social Networking in the First Year Experience (Part 4)
Comfort is curing the loneliness that inevitably comes with moving to a new peer network. Some evidence suggests that the brain may even process social exclusion using the same circuitry as physical pain. Loneliness hurts.
Your New Best Friend, Social Networking in the First Year Experience (Part 2)
The following is the second draft slice (here’s part one) of an upcoming curriculum supplement I am writing for Bedford / St. Martin’s press. Long time readers of this blog will recognize these ideas. Swift Kick, and Red Rover, have been focused on social capital and engagement for some time. As the overall curriculum comes […]
How to Make Student Engagement Contagious
In 1969, famed psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a social experiment looking at the contagiousness of engagement. Wired magazine’s Jonah Lehrer accurately summarizes the experiment: In this study, Milgram had “confederates” stop on a busy city street and look upwards at the sky. He demonstrated that when one person was looking up, 40 percent of passerby […]
Key Step for Setting Up Mozes
Julie of Navy MWR fame is playing around with Mozes and had a setup question. As I usually mention when talking about**, I love the service, but the actual website is pretty confusing. In the hopes of answering Julie’s question, I made a quick screencast showing the important initial setup, and I’m putting it […]
2008: Strategy Review (History before Future : )
In the process of putting together the 2008 APCA Advisors’ Institute tech keynote, I came across this slide from the 2007 keynote. The simplicity is probably because I made it late at night, but in the light of day, and one year later, I love this unequivocal explanation of Swift Kick: The implementation order of […]
Why Red Rover Matters to Increasing Engagement on Campus
The 2006 National Survey on Student Engagement said, “The most important factor [to increased engagement on campus] was relationships with faculty and other students.” The 2005 National Survey on Student Engagement reported that 60-84% (non-commuter vs commuter campuses) of college students will never participate in a college sponsored activity. On the flip side of that. […]
Seeing the Results
In talking with teachers, I often hear about how one of their greatest joys is when a former student comes back to tell how something you did impact their lives in a positive way. We don’t work with the same students nearly as long as a teacher does, but we do get to feel a […]
Red Rover in Context
As we turn our full attention to Red Rover, I think it is important, and fun, to put the product in context. We started Red Rover with the intent of building a tool that encapsulated Dance Floor Theory™ leadership training and pushes forward the Swift Kick mission. A what to go with the hows that we’ve […]
When the Content is Crappy, the Pipe Doesn’t Matter: Colleges and Facebook
After realizing the headline made all the difference in click through on my own RSS reader, I decided to spice up my own headlines. How’d I do? Left a post about this on Kevin Guidry’s Mistaken Goal and wanted to back up to some thinking and follow up with some visuals. We spend so much […]