Highly Engaging Virtual Orientation Programs with Swift Kick

Highly Engaging Virtual Orientation Programs with Swift Kick

Raise your hand if you have no idea what the future holds! ….. ….. Oh, sorry, I couldn’t keep typing because both my hands were raised. If you’re like me, your heart has been beating extra fast because you really can’t process the sheer uncertainty of the next few weeks, months, or even the next […]

Help Choose the Title of a Book about College Success!

Hey SK family! We are super duper excited to announce that we are working on putting together a book that will include essential tips for succeeding in college as a first year student. The awesome part is that it will cover the stuff that they might not tell you at orientation. You know, those questions you’re afraid […]

The Friends You Make In Your First Year are… Different

As I was running down the ramp to attempt to barely make a train at Grand Central, another woman was running beside me. The doors of the train closed before we reached them, and we both just stopped, disappointed. Suddenly the doors popped back open and we both went “OH!!” and started running again to […]

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