Nonverbal Cues: Your Silent Partner in Engagement

Imagine you’re checking out a new apartment. While getting a tour of the place from the current renter, who would be your roommate, he starts acting odd. I mean, really odd. He walks rapidly around the apartment. He holds his water glass high above his head. Next thing you know, he is shuffling backwards on […]

3 Wild Strategies I Used To Nail My TEDx Talk

Tom performing at TEDx UCLA

Two years ago, I had the joyful experience of speaking at UCLA for their TEDx event. The talk only lasted 12 minutes, but the time I put in behind the scenes was immeasurable. I practiced a lot for my talk, and that is coming from someone who has 15 years of professional speaking experience. Since […]

We are Hardwired to Connect With Other Humans

humans need humans

About 200,000 to 800,000 years ago, a massive upgrade in technology occurred. It was a technology upgrade that allowed for individuals to create deeper social connections, retain and exchange knowledge, and cooperate together. Nobody witnessed this upgrade directly, however, because it happened inside the bodies of our ancient ancestors. The change occurred inside the brain, […]

The Future of Free Hugs During The COVID-19 Pandemic

free hugs

Anyone who’s been a part of the Swift Kick family over the past 14 years knows that introducing the Free Hugs campaign to new people is a core part of our training. It’s how we teach people to build a Culture of Connection™ where everyone feels welcomed, connected, and engaged. But what about now, in […]

Asking TO Help Instead of Only Asking FOR Help (and Why It Matters)

Recently, a friend told me a story about the unexpected joy she received one day while she was out running errands. She wanted to stay anonymous, so we will call her Charity. One afternoon at work, Charity left the office to take care of some shopping for work. It was a lovely day, and she […]

Melissa’s Summer Bucket List

Summer, summer, summertime! We are approaching my favorite time of year – when the weather is warm hot and people are happier. There have been a few summers, though, that have passed without really any significant memory. So this year, I made a small bucket list. Emphasis on small, because the more I put on […]

How the Dictionary, and 6 Famous People, Define Community

According to, one of the definitions of the word community is “similar character; agreement; identity.” Here at Swift Kick, we believe that people become better versions of themselves when they are connected to a strong community. We aren’t the only ones who feel this way…#TeamHuman Which one of these quotes best describes your community? […]

Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do Anywhere

T-9 days until Random Acts of Kindness Day, and we can’t wait! We know it can be tough to think of new ways to be kind to people. To help you plan your R.A.K.s, here’s a list of things you can do…anywhere! Kindness for your team: Leave compliments for each team member to find before your next […]

An Introvert’s Guide to Being an Active Community Member

I’m an introvert, and I definitely don’t hide it. Anyone around me regularly knows I need time to decompress after a long day in order to feel like a human again. In addition to being so introverted, though, I am also extremely involved on my college campus. I hold two executive board positions in different clubs, […]

Pay Attention, Ask For Help, Set Your Soul on Fire – Leadership Tips

Each month Swift Kick will be highlighting a member in our community who shows extraordinary Leadership within their own community. In the month of February, we decided to conduct a Q&A with Tony Williams. He is a dedicated Community Assistant, the Social Diversity Chair for Association of Campus Events, and the Membership Chair for KU Presidential […]

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