4 Love-Centered Tips for Increasing Engagement in Your Student Organization
Pulling my hair out, twitching at work, having slight panic attacks over all the work to be done.. Making lists upon lists for a cultural club instead of homework and papers. Caring more about the outcome of our event than the job I was getting paid for….and good golly gosh I loved it. That’s what […]
Dance Floor Theory™ in Movies: “Pitch Perfect”
After seeing Swift Kick’s Dance Floor Theory leadership training on building a strong culture of engagement, I started seeing examples of DFT tips everywhere, especially in movies. One film that has some great examples of getting others involved is “Pitch Perfect.” In this movie, Beca, a college freshman, is totally uninterested in finding any sort […]
Epic Dance Floor Theory Video at Baldwin Wallace
We love it when we form a really great relationship with a school. Baldwin Wallace University is one of those schools; we have done Dance Floor Theory there several years in a row now. Each time is a blast. Kathy Petras, the Assistant Director of Student Life at BW put together this great video below of […]
Community Leaders vs. Those in Leadership Positions
Today, Tom and I got into a conversation about what the definition of a “leader” is on a campus. We realized a distinction between two types of leaders: Those in Leadership Positions People with the title; hired, elected, etc. to lead others Community Leaders Influencers in the community, whether they realize it. People who lead the […]
Student Leader Spotlight: Rachel Padro (Front Range Community College)
Rachel and her brother School and Year: FRCC ’14 Major: Recreational Therapy Leadership position: Secretary for the National Society of Leadership and Success Westminster Chapter, Seretary for the Threads Club, and Secretary for the Cru Club. Member of Phi Theta Kappa. How do you define leadership? I define leadership as discovering and utilizing your unique way to lead, […]
Student Leader Spotlight: Kia Lamica (SUNY Cobleskill)
School and Year: SUNY Cobleskill ’16 Major: Animal Science Dairy Production & Management Leadership position: Student Government Association President How do you define leadership? Leadership is having the ability to guide someone or a group of people. Some people are born with leadership, but for a majority of people you have to have the desire to learn it. […]
Student Leader Spotlight – Conner James Park (Penn State)
School and year: Penn State University, ’16 Major: Civil Engineering Leadership position: President of the Student Government Association How do you define leadership? Leadership, to me, is being someone that people can go to in a time of need. Being someone that everyone will look up to and strive to be like. Leadership is responsibility, courage, trust, […]
Always Saying Yes: The Safer Option?
This article by Guy Kawasaki is a little hard to wrap your head around at first, but his point is worth entertaining. Basically, especially in the beginning of a relationship, it is always better to say YES instead of NO. He says that once you say no, you’re at a dead end, that no other […]
Laying Tracks for Motivated Trains
Three quick stories, one important point. Story #1: Last week, before my soccer match, I watched a little league softball game on the field next to us. Surrounding the field was a collection of parents multitasking between the game, their blackberries, and babysitting their, even younger, offspring. One parent in particular was having a hard […]
Old Guard Looking Down On Leadership
I recently took on two leadership positions within the NY Entrepreneurs’ Organization. For me, it was a no-brainer to step up to a leadership position as I’ve learned multiple times in the past that the more involved I am in something, the more I learn and grow. It was interesting, however, to listen to the […]