Why ‘Disney’s Lion King’ Perfectly Explains Life

Disney’s Lion King

Outside of the brilliant animation work and the lovable characters, The Lion King (the first one primarily), highlights valuable lessons people, particularly leaders, should always work to remember. Yes, it might be a Disney movie, but these African animals represent so much more. WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD.  The Future Simba, the future king of Pride Rock, has […]

Sugar, Butter, Flour: Life Lessons from Waitress

Sugar, Butter, Flour: Life Lessons from Waitress

“Sugar, butter, flour” were the first words sung on a dark stage with a spotlight on Jenna, a waitress at a pie shop, who is unhappily married, pregnant and has an affair with her doctor.  A few weeks ago, I saw Waitress with the APCA Leadership on Broadway Conference. The talent on the stage blew me away, […]

Lessons of Leadership from Hamilton

Lessons of Leadership from Hamilton

While I have not seen the show (because I am not made of money), the soundtrack is downloaded to my phone for listening sessions on my commute to and from work. The lyrics not only tell the story of historical greatness, but have powerful messages that are applicable today and relate to leadership and building community. […]

What do your go-to ice cream sundae choices say about your community?

What do your go-to ice cream sundae choices say about your community

The official first day of summer is still a few weeks away, but I am hoping you’ve had at least one ice cream sundae (or water ice for lactose intolerant folks like me). Or if you haven’t stopped making ice cream sundaes, even through the colder months, stay awesome. The best part about ice cream sundaes […]

Leadership is Not Always About Being Followed

Leadership is Not Always About Being Followed

During a short car ride home from the gym with my father, he started to share about what he had been thinking about during his workout. He shared that through his life experiences, he has learned that leadership is not always about making sure others are following you, but more about being willing to go […]

The Permission You’ve Been Needing To Take a Break

I am writing this at 10:44PM on Thursday. And I am about to talk to you about self-care, mental health, and balance. I am not being hypocritical, please read on. You are reading this on Monday. I am probably somewhere in a cafe, writing poetry or hunched over a crossword. That’s right, at 2pm I am […]

QUIZ: What social media app represents your leadership style?

As a leader on your campus or in your community, you work daily to build the community and make it a great thing to be a part of. Each leader has a different way of bringing people together. It’s kind of like how all kinds of social media apps create communities in different ways…isn’t it? Take […]

10 Inspiring Leadership Quotes from Winning Super Bowl Coaches

Even if you don’t care about throwin’ the old pig skin around, a coach is always a great example of leadership. I gathered some great quotes from NFL coaches who have one the Super Bowl so that you can give your week a kick start! Hope these make a great sporty addition to your quotes […]

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