Highly Engaging Virtual Orientation Programs with Swift Kick

Highly Engaging Virtual Orientation Programs with Swift Kick

Raise your hand if you have no idea what the future holds! ….. ….. Oh, sorry, I couldn’t keep typing because both my hands were raised. If you’re like me, your heart has been beating extra fast because you really can’t process the sheer uncertainty of the next few weeks, months, or even the next […]

The Vision for Swift Kick 2.0

George Bernard Shaw once said, “Progress is impossible without change.” At Swift Kick, we have some big, audacious goals around helping leaders better lead their teams and engage their members. After 14 years of training leaders, we knew a few things needed to change to help us reach our bigger vision. As we look ahead […]

Was your team’s last bright idea ANOTHER bake sale?

WARNING: There are a lot of gifs ahead 🙂 Tired of the same old programming? via GIPHY You don’t think a bake sale is going to grab the audience you’re looking for? via GIPHY Feel like you’re watching an infomercial? via GIPHY WELL DO I HAVE THE BLOG FOR YOU! It can be difficult to come […]

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