How “Better Together” Has Shaped My Journey

Heart pounding, sun beaming down, thousands of faces rushing past you, and enormously tall skyscrapers looming overhead, welcome to New York City. Amidst the overcrowded city streets and fast moving traffic lights, I found myself simultaneously overwhelmed and excited. I had NO IDEA what to expect when I was hired to be an intern at Swift […]
What does your personality mean to you and your community?

My sisters and I were recently sitting in a cafe, and I was discussing potential educational icebreakers that I could organize for the group of resident assistants that I will supervise this upcoming year. A bunch of different icebreakers were brought up, but the two that stood out to me involved discovering the different personalities […]
Leadership is Not Always About Being Followed

During a short car ride home from the gym with my father, he started to share about what he had been thinking about during his workout. He shared that through his life experiences, he has learned that leadership is not always about making sure others are following you, but more about being willing to go […]
When You’re the Only One Who Wants to Do Icebreakers

“Hey Mom and Dad! Before we get started with dinner, what was your rose and thorn today? Mom, you start!” Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? If your family is anything like mine, you might be met with blank stares if you said this over your pasta. Since I started working at Swift Kick, my daily struggle is […]
Avoid the “School, & Work, & Leadership Activities…Oh My!!!” Mentality When Confronting Stress

If you’re watching the weather, you know that many parts of the United States are awaiting the arrival of an epic snow storm, but this storming is nothing in comparison to the storming the spring semester stress can cause on a college campus. It’s that time of year again! The Fall semester is over but […]
Spaghetti and Meatballs with a Side of Trust

Why have a lazy weekend when you can experience the opportunities of growth, trust, and respect through meatballs? Yes, I said meatballs! More specifically, a spaghetti and meatball dinner. This weekend, I opened my apartment to my eight resident assistants and my fellow graduate resident director for a spaghetti dinner, and the outcome was amazing! […]
[QUIZ] What 2015 Meme Represents Your Leadership Style

As we wrap up an amazing year, we couldn’t help but reflect on the different leadership styles, but with a fun twist! The internet enjoyed a great variety of ridiculous memes in 2015, so we thought it might be amusing to characterize different approaches to leadership in terms of a couple of the big meme hits. Enjoy! […]
Introverts: Understanding the Biggest Mystery for an Extroverted Student Leader

As an extrovert, it’s been hard for me to understand an introvert’s perspective my entire life… until recently. I always thought, “Why are you so quiet? Stop being a party pooper! If you like spending time with yourself more than with me or others people… you’re just strange!” However, since I’ve made friends with several […]
4 Ways to Make Everyone Feel Incredibly Important

Take a moment to remember the last time you did something for someone and their happiness and gratitude made you shine brighter than any gift you’ve ever been given. That amazing feeling leaves a mark, doesn’t it? The connection between your soul and that person’s takes on a permanent hold. We all know the saying, “Live […]
The #FREEHUGS16 Tips You NEED to Know for 11/3

The big day is almost upon us! That’s right, November 3rd is almost here and all those pledged hugs will be made reality. To get you in the spirit, we wanted to share some really good tips with you on how to make the most of #FreeHugs Day. Think student center or freshman quad. Is everyone […]