On Their Terms: A Student’s Take On Professionals On Facebook

Katie was in our Advisor Technology Round Up Ed Session this morning and had strong feelings. She said she “Wouldn’t be comfortable with professors or advisors messaging her through Facebook” and then afterwards she said that, through the session conversation, she felt like she wanted to clarify.

Emma Knows We’re Not Wearing Pants


I love 37signals** and reference their book all the time.  They are masters of the 90% solution.  They are masters at what they call “Judo”: minimum effort, maximum return.  They have a very small team with a huge philosophical impact based on the reach of their tools (over 1 million users).  My dream is to […]

A Guide to Facebook for School Faculty, Administration and Staff

A Guide to Facebook

“Should I, as an academic professional in higher education, have an online social networking account?”  Yes, and here is why and how. The phenomenon of Myspace and Facebook snuck up on us like a freight train with a silent running motor.  In just 4 years, social networking sites grew to over 300 million accounts with […]

How New, Smart, Fast, Companies Work (Part 1.)

I get asked a lot about offices, and when I explain that we work from all over the country people often ask how it works.  It deserves its own post. We started with almost all web-based software.  It travels, it scales, it was quick to turn on and go. Our first priority was sales (cash […]

Interview with Facebook’s Youngest Employee – Dan Weatherford

At the writing of this blog, Dan Weatherford is at the ripe young age of 20 + 1 month. What makes him special is he’s currently the youngest full-time employee at Facebook.com. Though most of you don’t know him, he programmed the ability to sort your Facebook photos which was a highly celebrated addition released […]

The Purpose of Personal Blogging


David Warlick authors a blog titled 2 Cents Worth that I follow occasionally and respect for his insight on many topics revolving around education and technology. His most recent post, Christine Hunewell’s A Blogger as Writer is about what’s the purpose of blogging. Here is an excerpt: “I love Christine Hunewell’s lead up to this […]

The Aim of Education

The Aim of Education

Peter Scholtes**’ diagram shows what we are facing right now as humans interacting with technology. So for those of us that are older, we may see this diagram within the context of our lives, our personal history. For those of us that are younger, this diagram is not about history but just about the fact […]

Better Project Management With Basecamp

The Need Things need to get done.  There are many projects going on between clubs, student government, and the programming board. Students are spread all over the campus or all over the community.  Getting them into the same room consistently is incredibly difficult.  Miscommunication is rampant and leads to team damaging blame: Shauna thought that […]

Collaborative Learning School 2.0

Darren Kuropatawa of A Difference is a perfect example of what School 2.0 will look like. Or at least it’s a start. As part of his math curriculum, he and his students blog about the current class math lesson. Because blogs are generally open for anyone to see, his class took a turn when a […]

Give up Facebook for Lent

Normally people give up meat, sugar, TV, or even sex for Lent. But this year another addiction is the focus. WIth 93% of students on Myspace and Facebook and 63% logging in every day, it is no wonder many are thinking about giving up Facebook for Lent. Maura Toomb of Loyal College** was the first […]

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