[Video] Ask Me Anything with the Swift Kick Team


Horse whispering. It happens a lot more in this episode of the Swift Kickin’ It Show than anyone could have predicted. Yeah. If you have been keeping up with SKTV episodes, you’ve seen some great guests hang out with the Swift Kick team. But what about Tom and Melissa? Who are they, really? Watch them […]

5 Quotes on Why Speaking Well is a Requirement for Leaders

5 Quotes on Why Speaking Well is a Requirement for Leaders

Public speaking might be terrifying, but there will be a point that it’s necessary. Here are 5 reasons why, according to some quotable people. The above five reasons are why we are so excited to announce our Speak Easy Bootcamp so you can learn to present like a professional. Join Tom and Melissa for a […]

Do you hug like a Ninja or a Koala Bear? [VIDEO]

How Not to Give FreeHugs

Some people hug like a koala; others hug like a rhino. Another day, another ridiculous video created by the Swift Kick team, with help from friends and family. This time, we decided to ask #TeamHuman the very important question: How do you hug? The answers were…unexpected. Ch-ch-check it out! Bonus points if you know how […]

Swift Kick Wins a Record Breaking Fifth National College Speaking Award

Fourteen years ago, I attended my first APCA conference to pursue my dream of being a professional speaker. Because I was still a senior in college, I had to leave after my evening class and drove ten hours through the night from Chicago to Atlanta. Despite high hopes of crushing it, my first ed session […]

Epic Dance Floor Theory Video at Baldwin Wallace

Epic Dance Floor Theory Video at Baldwin Wallace

We love it when we form a really great relationship with a school. Baldwin Wallace University is one of those schools; we have done Dance Floor Theory there several years in a row now. Each time is a blast. Kathy Petras, the Assistant Director of Student Life at BW put together this great video below of […]

INTERNSHIP POSITION: So You Think You Can Be a Swift Kick Intern?

It’s that time of year again; yep, you guessed it — Massachusetts Maple Month! But more importantly, it’s internship application time. And we want you to join our team from July – December 2015! So what does it mean to start Swift Kickin’ it with us? Check out this snapshot of the application: Your Mission […]

What It’s Like to Be in a Dance Floor Theory – Awesome Video

Baldwin Wallace sent us this epic video they put together of Tom and his Dance Floor Theory™ program this year, set to the tune of “Take a Walk,” a fun song that captures the carefree spirit of the programs.  Check it out: Here in the office, we got goosebumps watching the interactions between students, the […]

How Swift Kick Defined the Path of my Life

How Swift Kick Defined the Path of my Life

My junior year of college at Fordham University, Swift Kick came to train us orientation leaders. Tom Krieglstein did his Dance Floor Theory and let me tell you, I never forgot it. My friend Kelly and I would always chant “From meh, to hmmmmmm.”  I even participated in a #FreeHugs campaign four times after doing […]

Our First NACA Flashmob [VIDEO]

For the past 6 months, Kevin and I talked about the idea of pulling off a Flashmob at NACA or APCA. Up to this point, it was just talking, but we changed that at a recent NACA West conference. It started with finding the technology. The company we found allows a person to text “swiftkick” […]

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