The Why Behind FREE HUGS

In our Dance Floor Theory™ program, we divide member engagement within a community into six different stages… Technically it’s seven, but that’s another story for another time. We call these six stages The Engagement Pyramid™. Each stage is defined by a different set of characteristics for an individual. Fully engaged members display different characteristics than […]
Retention: Exclusivity or Inclusivity?
In a series of brainstorming conversations with a fellow NY EOer we attempted to outline ways to increase retention within the NY EO chapter. After several rounds, he and I seemed to not be looking at the situation the same way. To figure out where the disconnect was, I drew the outline below to demonstrate […]
MyView: Alvernia University Dance Floor Theory Training [IMAGE]
They made these shirts specially for the training since they saw me do Dance Floor Theory a year ago at Alvernia.
Education Reform: Feeling Like An Outsider
A couple of weeks ago, I attended the inaugural #140edu conference in NYC, which brought together several hundred educators for two days to talk about the future of education. Modeled after TED, each person was given roughly 10 minutes to talk about his/her topic. My topic was on leveraging social media to increase student engagement […]
MicroPoll: Do you txt (SMS) for communication purposes as part of your job?
Laying Tracks for Motivated Trains

Three quick stories, one important point. Story #1: Last week, before my soccer match, I watched a little league softball game on the field next to us. Surrounding the field was a collection of parents multitasking between the game, their blackberries, and babysitting their, even younger, offspring. One parent in particular was having a hard […]
Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/14/11)

—> 5 Notable Blogs <— –> 5 Notable Comments <— —> 5 Notable Questions <— “@BostonUpdate: Facebook is changing the way incoming college freshmen choose their roomates:” #SAchat — Tricia Coogan (@TriciaCoogan) August 14, 2011 Letter to parents and freshman: #SAchat #highered — Debra Sanborn, PhD (@DebraSanborn) August 13, 2011 Interesting article on […]
Old Guard Looking Down On Leadership

I recently took on two leadership positions within the NY Entrepreneurs’ Organization. For me, it was a no-brainer to step up to a leadership position as I’ve learned multiple times in the past that the more involved I am in something, the more I learn and grow. It was interesting, however, to listen to the […]
Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/10/11)

—> 5 Notable Blogs <— –> 5 Notable Comments <— —> 5 Notable Questions <— Recruiters Turn to Facebook to Find Candidates – #career #fb #sachat #highered #Job — Dave Ortendahl (@DaveOrtendahl) August 10, 2011 Why Office Politics Matter #SAchat — Student Affairs (@The_SA_Blog) August 10, 2011 Excited to share my @wisa_kc blog […]
Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/09/11)

—> 5 Notable Blogs <— –> 5 Notable Comments <— —> 5 Notable Questions <— @chronicle great perspective on faculty versus administrators. #sachat — Jamie Lloyd (@Jamie_M_Lloyd) August 9, 2011 Avoiding Burnout in the New Academic Year via @ProfHacker #highered #phdchat #sachat — Laura Pasquini, PhD (@laurapasquini) August 9, 2011 “It takes […]