Engagement Inbreeding

A couple of months ago, a debate erupted over the possible elitist nature of the popular online student affairs community, #SAchat. The discussion lasted for several days, before trailing off. But the idea of elitism stayed with me for a while afterwards because back in college, my student activities group was also accused of a […]
Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/08/11)

—> 5 Notable Blogs <— –> 5 Notable Comments <— —> 5 Notable Questions <— Cultivating Compassion in Our Practice http://dlvr.it/fLpnZ #SAchat — Student Affairs (@The_SA_Blog) August 8, 2011 Cultivating Compassion in Our Practice http://dlvr.it/fLpnZ #SAchat — Student Affairs (@The_SA_Blog) August 8, 2011 Sending an e-mail to remind a student how to spell his own […]
Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/07/11)

Blogs: Facebook friending your students in Missouri is about to be illegal. (via Brian LeDuc) What would you put on a Residential Dream Sheet? Here’s John Gardner’s list. (via Brain Root) Facebook, StumbleUpon, then Twitter. StatCounter ranks the top social media sites in the UK for last month. (via Brain Gallager) Who do you think […]
Why You Should Use Your Real Name Online

Over the past week we experimented with a new series called “Yesterday in #StudentAffairs” as a way to capture, and re-purpose, the amazing amount of knowledge that flows through #SAchat every day. We originally used a person’s Twitter username to give them credit, which worked fine when their real name and Twitter username were basically […]
Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/03/11)

Blogs: Stressed? Know the facts and you might be a little less stressed. (via Chris Conzen) DYK going to college in which you are overqualified might hurt you? A new program attempts to fix that. (via Joe Earley) The history of Supreme Court rulings and Student Organizations. (via NASPA Bookstore) The long road of equality with […]
Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/02/11)

Blogs: “I somehow just became a mother” & 6 other truths about being an RA. (via Zach Stafford) Fake IDs – The latest thing ‘Made in China.’ (via Joe Earley) 10 signs you’re being lazy on LinkedIn. (via Cory Phare) Like data? Look inside the unsettling numbers of the rapidly growing student loan industry. (via Jeff […]
The Habit of Circling Up

In the 1800s, wagon circling was a strategic move by settlers to protect against Native American attacks. For our visual learners, here’s an image… In nature, circling up is also a strategic move used to protect the herd against predators. Again, for the visual learners… While it’s no longer the 1800s and we’ve evolved past […]
Yesterday in Student Affairs [08/01/11]

Blogs: Can’t pay your student loans? How about using a Sugar Daddy to help? (via Cleda Wang) Conferences not for you? Here’s a recap of last weekend’s inaugural Student Affairs Technology Unconference. (via Ed Cabellon) How well do you introduce yourself when people ask? Maybe it’s time we polish up on our Five Minute Professional Portrait. (via The SA Blog) Move Over Helicopter Parents. “iParents” are […]
How Quickly Tech Changes…[IMAGE]
This is a copy of our 2006 interest form we handed out at conferences after ed sessions. Back then it was all about Myspace…and that was only 5 years ago!
Anything is Fun as Long as You have Two Things

SuperCamp is a 10 day academic and life skills program that happens throughout the summer for various ages. I worked mostly with the high school students. As you’d expect, no high school student wants to spend 10 days of their summer learning about speed reading, memory tricks, and positive thinking. Most would much rather be […]