How Quickly Tech Changes…[IMAGE]

This is a copy of our 2006 interest form we handed out at conferences after ed sessions. Back then it was all about Myspace…and that was only 5 years ago!

Anything is Fun as Long as You have Two Things

Anything is Fun as Long as You have Two Things

SuperCamp is a 10 day academic and life skills program that happens throughout the summer for various ages. I worked mostly with the high school students. As you’d expect, no high school student wants to spend 10 days of their summer learning about speed reading, memory tricks, and positive thinking. Most would much rather be […]

Last Week in Student Affairs [07/22/11]

It’s no secret that everyone at Swift Kick HQ loves to read…a lot. With so much great content around community engagement and involvement passing through our brains every day, we thought we’d try out a new series called “Last Week In Student Affairs” in which we highlight the highlights. Blogs: What will 42 years in […]

Yesterday in Student Affairs [07/22/11]

Yesterday in #StudentAffairs

Blogs: Linkedin continues to magically stay revenant and successful by adding a new special profile section just for students that let’s you highlight your college accomplishments. via @HeatherTrue Ramadan starts next week. If you are not Muslim (or even if you are), here’s a cheat sheet** to help you be mindful and respectful of your […]

All Student Affairs Blogs in One Place

All Student Affairs Blogs in One Place

When we started working heavily in Student Affairs seven years ago, the online communities were far and few between. In an attempt to better connect student affairs people with each other, we launched The Student Affairs Collaborative** and #SAchat. Both have been extremely successful and the amount of ongoing peer-to-peer learning is amazing. I’m happy […]

Your Strategic Network

Your Strategic Network

Harvard Business Review writers Linda Hill & Kent Lineback recently wrote an article titled “The Three Networks You Need.” Here’s a quick overview of each network: – Your Operational Network – People you lean on to complete your day-to-day work within your job role. – Your Developmental Network – People you lean on for emotional […]

Weak Ties vs Strong Ties

Weak Ties vs Strong Ties

James Fowler’s keynote address at the #ACUI11 conference last week stirred up quite a discussion after he made the claim that online relationships had little influence over behavior. As expected, our friends in the #SAchat community quickly expressed concern for the statement through the Twitter backchannel and afterwards in the hotel lobby as they’ve experienced […]

Personalizing The Institution From Within


A well known trend in higher ed is to move away from the “one-size-fits-all” education model to a model that treats each student as an individual learner. With Red Rover, we help institutions move towards this learner centered education vision by building out individual identity profiles and delivering relevant opportunities for connections, learning, and growth. […]

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