Affinity Housing: The Importance of Roommate Matching

College of Coastal Georgia recently transitioned to a four-year residential institution. Among the many changes, the campus will soon include residence halls and a director of residence life. Dave Leenhouts, director of CCGA’s student life, heads the committee to hire their director of residence life. In a conversation with Dave over the weekend, he talked […]
What Will You Say No To? Defining Company Values

In a recent post, 37signals showcased what it means for a company to know where it stands. Their example was the NYC bike maker Francesco Bertelli. Bertelli is a great example of a company that knows where it stands. The best way to know where you stand is to figure out what you won’t do. […]
Updated Red Rover “New Member Notice” Email Design

When a student joins their school’s campus directory and is recommended campus groups based on their interests and joins a group, the student leader of that group receives an email notification. Our first design (see image below) of the new member notification email was intended to be fun, hip, and student like. It turned out […]
The Historical Roots (& Future Role) of Informal Learning In Education [Quote]

“Despite appearances, the humble pizza-and-study group isn’t some minor activity, it’s the kernel of the university. When knowledge was scarce, universities grew as communities of scholars clustered around the latest information technology: rare, expensive, handwritten books. The first Western university, the University of Bologna, was found in 1099 by people who wanted to study Byzantine-era […]
Building a Red Rover Website Badge

I’m not a very good designer compared to really good designers, but give me an idea and an image and I’ll mesh it and recreate it with the best of ’em. In talking out the Georgia Highlands Campus Directory adoption strategy with Donny and John, John asked if we had a website badge they could […]
A Win For Student Generated Content

Fred Wilson, of A VC, reported on a ruling out of NYC between YouTube and Viacom. Judge Louis Stanton of the Southern District Court in NYC issued his opinion in the long standing legal battle between YouTube and Viacom. This decision means that other user generated content services will not have to make the choice […]
The Best Texters Tend To Be The Best Spellers: Breaking Down Texting Myths [VIDEO]

20000 personal loan no credit check Professor David Crystal is a world renowned linguistic expert and author of 30+ books on the topic. In 31 minutes David dispels five myths surrounding today’s wired youth and the impact on language. The myths he covers are: Myth 1: Youth text messages are littered with mangled abbreviations Myth […]
Sir Ken Robinson: Masterful Messenger for the Education Revolution [VIDEO]

Sir Ken Robinson is a valuable asset to the education revolution community. Not because he’s trumpeting new ideas, in fact many of his ideas have been around a long time, but it’s in the way he delivers the message. He makes the revolution real, human, personal, and funny. Here’s his latest TED Talk from February […]
An Online Student Union in 3 Steps [Slides]

Title: Unleash the Beast: How Web Pros Will Lead The Revolution While Riding a Unicorn on a Rainbow of UGC. Location: HighEdWeb Vassar College When: May 6-7 2010 Overview: In 3 steps, Kevin explains how high ed web departments can lead the way past the doom and gloom future of education to one filled with […]
Guiding Principles – Part 3

The following is the third part of our assumptions pulled from our “Guiding Principles” Wikipage. Here is Part 1 and Part 2 Assumptions Part 3: These are broad based and not as set as principles. It’s useful to list assumptions, just to be clear on the thought behind the system. Some of these are more […]