An Online Student Union in 3 Steps [Slides]
Title: Unleash the Beast: How Web Pros Will Lead The Revolution While Riding a Unicorn on a Rainbow of UGC. Location: HighEdWeb Vassar College When: May 6-7 2010 Overview: In 3 steps, Kevin explains how high ed web departments can lead the way past the doom and gloom future of education to one filled with […]
Guiding Principles – Part 3
The following is the third part of our assumptions pulled from our “Guiding Principles” Wikipage. Here is Part 1 and Part 2 Assumptions Part 3: These are broad based and not as set as principles. It’s useful to list assumptions, just to be clear on the thought behind the system. Some of these are more […]
Guiding Principles – Part 2
The following is the second part of our assumptions, pulled from our “Guiding Principles” Wikipage. Here is Part 1** Assumptions Part 2: These are broad based and not as set as principles. It’s useful to list assumptions, just to be clear on the thought behind the system. Some of these are more controversial than others. […]
Guiding Principles – Part 1
Our Wikispace reminds me of my over stuffed parents’ attic. Among all the “once cool/relevant but now outdated” stuff are gems that got lost in the noise. In the process of updating a few Wiki pages, I stumbled upon our “Guiding Principles” page and, in rereading, realized it’s well worth exposing to the light once […]
Upcoming Webinar: Leveraging Social Media for Student Engagement
We’re excited to partner with The Student Affairs Collaborative for an upcoming webinar on Leveraging Social Media for Increased Student Engagement. This webinar is an updated version of our last webinar** in December on the same topic. The biggest update is the inclusion of a student panel to talk about how they want you to […]
Utilizing Red Rover Tag Clouds for Marketing
Red Rover uses tags throughout its interface to help match people and groups together on campus. Tags are simple keywords that describe a person or group. Institution tag clouds, like the one seen here, are a collection of all the individual and group tags for an institution. The institution tag cloud becomes a poster for […]
Students Helping Students
Kansas State University’s “Students Helping Students” campaign has the potential to be a national theme for peer-to-peer learning. For those who’ve had us on campus working with your student leaders, you should recognize the Blender Events and Flash Mobs throughout the video. Enjoy! VIDEO FILE NO LONGER AVAILABLE
What If We DO Succeed in Increasing Student Engagement?
Over the weekend, I was talking with a group of students and advisors from Kutztown University about student engagement. In Swift Kick, we use dance floors to describe how student leaders are the ones in the center of the dance (fully engaged), and the rest of the student body (60-84% according to NSSE) are against […]
The Value of Integrating Social Media into Education
Dean Long, of LAUS, only needs two minutes to perfectly explain how every educator should be thinking about social media. VIDEO FILE NO LONGER AVAILABLE And if your life is too busy for a two-minute interlude, here are the highlights: Use SM (Social Media) to cultivate a community around the activities already being done on […]
Private Communities and Engagement – The 90-9-1 Rule
Online community ninja, Jakob Nielsen, is one of the original brains behind the 90-9-1 rule. Stated simply, the rule goes… In most online communities, 90% of users are lurkers who never contribute, 9% of users contribute a little, and 1% of users account for almost all the action. Wikipedia is a classic example. 99% of […]