The Permission You’ve Been Needing To Take a Break

I am writing this at 10:44PM on Thursday. And I am about to talk to you about self-care, mental health, and balance. I am not being hypocritical, please read on. You are reading this on Monday. I am probably somewhere in a cafe, writing poetry or hunched over a crossword. That’s right, at 2pm I am […]

QUIZ: What social media app represents your leadership style?

As a leader on your campus or in your community, you work daily to build the community and make it a great thing to be a part of. Each leader has a different way of bringing people together. It’s kind of like how all kinds of social media apps create communities in different ways…isn’t it? Take […]

[QUIZ] What 2015 Meme Represents Your Leadership Style

As we wrap up an amazing year, we couldn’t help but reflect on the different leadership styles, but with a fun twist! The internet enjoyed a great variety of ridiculous memes in 2015, so we thought it might be amusing to characterize different approaches to leadership in terms of a couple of the big meme hits. Enjoy! […]

4 Techniques to Turn Your Next Event into an Endorphin Party of Happiness

Photo Credit: Premasagar Rose[/caption] A group of 15 adults awkwardly stood in a circle waiting for the instructor’s command to start. I nervously looked over at my mom as this was nothing I’d ever done before…especially with my mom. “Ready? Go!” The whole circle exploded into a rumble of laughter. We started off with a […]

Making the Right Measurements in Higher Education [QUOTE]

Making the Right Measurements in Higher Education

Like baseball 10 years ago, higher education is focused on what’s easy to measure. For baseball it may have been body parts, batting averages and the numbers on the radar gun. For higher education, it’s the 3Rs: research, rankings and real estate. Each of these areas is easily quantified or judged: research citations or number […]

Are Linkedin Recommendations for Student Leaders the New Thing?

Are Linkedin Recommendations

The first time I asked an advisor of mine to write me a letter of recommendation back in college, he said, “sure, fill out what you want me to say, and I’ll adjust as needed and sign.” At the time I thought that was cheating, but once I realized that he also got asked from […]

Future Features Discussion

Features and Bugs

What would you like to see us prioritize? We’ve got thousands of good ideas. Help us focus on what to do next. Here are some options – focused around goals, rather than features. 1) Increase joining new groups. Notes: This seems to be what the current software does best – get students connected with groups. […]

Is Facebook Making My Brain Bigger?

Is Facebook Making My Brain Bigger

We mammals have a unique part of our brain called the neocortex that separates us from every other animal on the planet. Among mammals, neocortex sizes vary greatly and humans having the largest neocortex. The research is still not yet definitive as to why humans are the largest. The most popular theory, created by biologist […]

Lottery Ticket Strategy (MacArthur’s DML Continued)

MacArthur Foundation Submission

A few days ago the MacArthur Foundation announced that they had selected the winners of their Digital Media and Learning Competition.  We haven’t heard anything.  The blog post says that much legal work needs to be done to “prepare the winners to meet their public on Feb 21st.” Seems like legal work would require participation […]

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