Tips to de-stress at such a STRESSFUL time of the year!

You are almost there, friends! Finals are either here or right around the corner. I decided to put together some fun activities / tips to help you de-stress. I truly hope they help. In our book, First Year Student to First Year Success, we talk about getting “funstuck.” In other words, sometimes when you hit a […]

Top 7 Classroom Tips – Of Course I want an A!

Tom, Melissa, and Sabina wrote a book about college students and how to succeed. I wish I had this book when I started college. There are so many great tips to learn from it. Today, let’s highlight the top 7 classroom tips on how to succeed academically. Tip #1: Making friends in class It is […]

An Introvert’s Guide to Being an Active Community Member

I’m an introvert, and I definitely don’t hide it. Anyone around me regularly knows I need time to decompress after a long day in order to feel like a human again. In addition to being so introverted, though, I am also extremely involved on my college campus. I hold two executive board positions in different clubs, […]

Pay Attention, Ask For Help, Set Your Soul on Fire – Leadership Tips

Each month Swift Kick will be highlighting a member in our community who shows extraordinary Leadership within their own community. In the month of February, we decided to conduct a Q&A with Tony Williams. He is a dedicated Community Assistant, the Social Diversity Chair for Association of Campus Events, and the Membership Chair for KU Presidential […]

The Intern Who Eats Her Pizza Crust First – Meet Dee!

New intern? Check. Every six months, Swift Kick welcomes an intern or two into the exclusive family. The new year will start in style as we welcome Dee Dube to the family! We can’t wait to get to know her at our retreat in January. Meet Dee: A junior at Southern New Hampshire University, we met […]

[WATCH] The Swift Kick Team Sings a Holiday Song for You

Whatever we do for this next video, I will not sing. -Melissa, 10 minutes before, we wrote a parody of the 12 Days of Christmas. Clearly, we don’t listen very well to our own advice. So, for our embarrassment, and your enjoyment, our 12 [out of tune] Days on Campus, written, directed, and performed by […]

3 Unexpected Ways to Build a Unique Campus Culture

The best college experiences are the ones where you feel completely connected to the spirit of your campus. Fight songs, Homecoming, dances – these all aim to create a campus culture that everyone feels part of. But sometimes you need a fresh new idea to kick-start your community. Check out what these three colleges did […]

An Interview with Two Graduating Seniors

Graduating – The day comes sooner than you think. You blink, and suddenly the summer chaos that is your first day of college now becomes your last semester before walking the stage. You are finishing up your last classes of undergrad and everything is becoming so very real. Graduation Two incredible student leaders are finishing […]

Kicking Bullying to the Curb

Meet Addison Mallery! HI! My name is Addy Mallery, and I am a 19 year old sophomore student studying at Allegany College of Maryland.  I am currently in the early childhood education program, and will be graduating with my associates’ degree next spring. I will then be transferring to Frostburg State to get my Bachelors […]

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