How I Used Facebook to Write a Blog Post, While Building my Personal Community

Before the year turned, I put up the following image on my Facebook page so that I could write a great blog post about my 35-Book Goodreads challenge I did in 2016. Four of my friends, all people I don’t see very often at all, sent me some really insightful questions. Answering them was a lot of fun, and […]

4 Ways Your Graduated Student Leaders Can Still Help Your Student Organization

It’s graduation season! How do I know? Because my entire social newsfeed is filled with pictures of the graduating student leaders we’ve connected with over the past four years. A challenge every student activities department faces this time of year is the reminder that their student leaders turn over every two to four years. All […]

3 Simple Ways to Turn Your Social Media into a Community

Social Media

We live in an online world, there’s no escaping it. I mean, one designer even created phone backgrounds for herself to remind her there’s a world past her relatively tiny screen. So we can’t talk about building community without acknowledging that social media plays a big role.  Now, we all know about the issues around […]

Dance Floor Theory on Facebook

Dance Floor Theory on Facebook

In Dance Floor Theory™ we outline four steps it takes for a student leader to move a group from a “bad dance” to a “good dance.” They are… Introduce Yourself Introduce People To Each Other Make Small Relevant Groups Get Out Of The Way As more schools and student groups build an online presence for […]

Random Acts on Campus

Random Acts on Campus

Sometimes it’s the actions where we expect nothing in return that give the greatest value. Jennifer Foster of Florence, AZ was visiting Times Square with her husband on Nov. 14 when they saw a shoeless man asking for change. She writes, “Right when I was about to approach, one of your officers came up behind […]

The Emerging Dilemma of Facebook URLs

The Emerging Dilemma of Facebook URLs

While hanging out with friends, someone asked the group what our first online screen name was. We all shared and laughed as each one was more obnoxious than the previous. BigBlueEyez22 LookAtMe_LookAtMe Itz*MEEEEEEEEEE TheKooliest sportygirl9 footballdemon i<3puppies CrappyMcCrapper Luckily, we’ve all grown up and realized that those names, while fun and cool when we were […]

‘Perspectivizing’ Your Online Engagement Data

Your Online Engagement Data

Ok, I made that word up, but before our etymologist readers split for the hills, hear me out as to what it means. We help run the social media accounts of a couple education related companies. Every month we run an analytics report to measure what’s working, what’s not working, and the overall growth of […]

CoolTool: Booshaka – Discover Your Facebook Page SuperFans

NAME: Booshaka URL: WHAT IT DOES: Attaches a point-scoring system to the activity of your Facebook Fans to help you discover your Top Fans through an engagement dashboard. MY TAKE: Long time readers of the Swift Kick blog will know that I talk about the 90-9-1 rule** often when it comes to community engagement, […]

Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/14/11)

—> 5 Notable Blogs <— –> 5 Notable Comments <— —> 5 Notable Questions <— “@BostonUpdate: Facebook is changing the way incoming college freshmen choose their roomates:” #SAchat — Tricia Coogan (@TriciaCoogan) August 14, 2011 Letter to parents and freshman: #SAchat #highered — Debra Sanborn, PhD (@DebraSanborn) August 13, 2011 Interesting article on […]

Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/07/11)

Blogs: Facebook friending your students in Missouri is about to be illegal. (via Brian LeDuc) What would you put on a Residential Dream Sheet? Here’s John Gardner’s list. (via Brain Root) Facebook, StumbleUpon, then Twitter. StatCounter ranks the top social media sites in the UK for last month. (via Brain Gallager) Who do you think […]