6 Easy Ways to Spice Up Your Zoom Calls

Raise your hand if you’ve used Zoom in the last 24 hours. Keep your hand raised if you’ve talked to family, friends, and coworkers all on Zoom in the last week! Yep, that’s what I thought. If you’re facing “Zoom Burnout,” you’re not alone. But for those Zoom calls that we must make, or that […]
Fun Is The Easiest Way To Change Someone’s Behavior

A group of psychologists seated themselves between a staircase and an escalator in a U.S. shopping mall to run a study. They set out to answer two questions: What percentage of people choose stairs over an escalator when given the choice between the two? How would behavior change if people were made aware of the […]
3 Every-Day Ways to Build the Bonds Made on a Service Trip

Every break from school, there is always one question that wraps around my head. This question eats at my soul until the answer is said out loud. Even after I get the answer, I second guess myself, I doubt my ability to follow through, or I might just change my mind halfway through. That question […]
8 Cheap (but still fun) Team Outings and Activites For When You Have No Budget

You know that feeling when you’re laughing so hard you start crying? No matter what you do, you feel your eyes well up and the uncontrollable giggles escaping. Talk about an endorphin party! Laughing with your team is perhaps the best way to bond with each other. This is especially important if your team perhaps […]
Top 10 Things To Do with Your Residents or Roommates During a SNOW DAY!

Almost everyone gets snow days. If you do not, I am so sorry. Snow days are personally my favorite days! The weather is cool, there are fun activities to do, and most importantly, NO SCHOOL!!! I think of snow days as “mental health days”. Everyone needs a day off every now and then. So just […]
How to Host a Willy Wonka Retreat for your Team

Can Oompa Loompas make your team stronger and better together? Heck yeah! Another quarter, another overly thought-out and ridiculous retreat planned by Melissa and myself. Yesterday, the Swift Kick team enjoyed a day of hard work and play, all with a Chocolate Factory Twist. See how we pulled together our very own Willy Wonka retreat! Step […]
Even Adults Will Play “Friend Bingo”

“I take cheating very seriously! Cheaters will be punished!-“ I yelled across the table at the noisy bar, laughing with my friends because I caught them red-handed. “Come on Sabina, that’s not cheating! You have to make sure I WIN!” they teased back. A couple of weeks ago, I co-hosted an event for our old co-working […]
Q3 Retreat: X Marks the Spot

Sabina and I planned another retreat! And it was awesome/hot/productive/hot/funny/hot. It was a lovely 92 degree day when we welcomed two new interns, Sami and Jake, who fit in instantly. We started the day with “The Acronym Game,” where we took the first initial of all of our first names and had to create a sentence with […]
[Video] 23 Minutes and 15 Seconds Could Be Your Undoing

Not another Swift Kick video! Melissa and I teamed up to talk a little about the #21tipsbook. The silliness was to be expected when you put the two of us on camera. Watch and learn a very helpful fun fact while giggling a little. 🙂 Hope you enjoyed! Got ideas for the next Swift Kick […]
When You Go To War with Post-It Notes as Your Ammo

What if you walked into work, looked out the window, and saw Marge Simpson looking at you from the office across the street? Here at the office, Melissa and I have been day-dreaming about attaching a #FreeHugs sign to the window by our desk, so that the building next to us can have a laugh. Apparently, […]