Walls are usually a boring addition to buildings. However, with the right creative idea, walls can turn into something so much more. Artist, Candy Chang, converted a seemingly “dead” wall in a neighborhood into an engaging work of art that pushed people to think about themselves and their life. Meh –> Hmm. Campus walls are […]

Blender Events Brainstorming List

Blender Events Brainstorming List

If you follow our blog, you probably noticed we started a new segment called ‘Blender Events‘ where we highlight possible Blender Events student leaders could run on their campus. If you’re a DFT alumni, you should already know the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of Blender Events. If the term is brand new to you, click here to […]

The Why Behind FREE HUGS

Engagement Pyramid

In our Dance Floor Theory™ program, we divide member engagement within a community into six different stages… Technically it’s seven, but that’s another story for another time. We call these six stages The Engagement Pyramid™. Each stage is defined by a different set of characteristics for an individual. Fully engaged members display different characteristics than […]

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