3 Signs Your Team Culture is Rotten

The team had nicknamed their boss “Lunch Box” so they could talk trash about him in the company chat room without him noticing. As if that’s not sad enough, what’s even sadder is that Lunch Box didn’t even know his team had nicknamed him Lunch Box. Sometimes he’d jump in on the conversations, thinking they […]

Using State Management to Stop Feeling Useless

Sometimes, working from home is exactly what I need to focus and get stuff done. But other times, not so much. The idea for this post came to me while curled up under a blanket on my huge couch. My apartment was cold, which immediately killed my motivation. I was listless and blah. Yeah, I […]

Motivation: How To Inspire Yourself

How many times within our lives do we lack motivation, and we tell ourselves, “I’ll get to it tomorrow” or “I’m just too tired”?  We sacrifice opportunity because of this motivational vacuum we create for ourselves, but where’s the line? Of course, self-care is important. Sometimes we’re smart to not only take our time on […]

Laying Tracks for Motivated Trains

Laying Tracks for Motivated Trains

Three quick stories, one important point. Story #1: Last week, before my soccer match, I watched a little league softball game on the field next to us. Surrounding the field was a collection of parents multitasking between the game, their blackberries, and babysitting their, even younger, offspring. One parent in particular was having a hard […]

Engagement Based Leadership

Most student club advisors will tell you that club engagement goes through waves; some years are rockstars and others are duds. Almost every club starts the year with aspirations of rockstardom, but within a couple weeks, the excitement and motivation of the leadership team fades, and thus, the entire club activity withers. In pondering this […]

Redefining Student Engagement Through the Fogg Behavior Model (Part 1)

BJ Fogg created the Fogg Behavior Model (FBM) through his work at the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford University. The FBM states… “Three elements must converge at the same moment for a behavior to occur: Motivation, Ability, and Trigger. When a behavior does not occur, at least one of those three elements is missing.” Fogg […]

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