How to Reclaim the 15% of Energy You Lose on Camera as a Moderator

Swift Kick Virtual Program

You know how they say people look 15 lbs (7 kg) heavier on camera? Well, the same is true for your energy on camera, but in the opposite way. You will be perceived as having 15% less energy when on camera than when in person. This is due to the physical distance and the two […]

Was your team’s last bright idea ANOTHER bake sale?

WARNING: There are a lot of gifs ahead 🙂 Tired of the same old programming? via GIPHY You don’t think a bake sale is going to grab the audience you’re looking for? via GIPHY Feel like you’re watching an infomercial? via GIPHY WELL DO I HAVE THE BLOG FOR YOU! It can be difficult to come […]

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