A Statue of Success for Your Campus Organization

A Statue of Success for Your Campus Organization

While at a professional baseball game with friends this past spring, I came across statues of historic baseball players. They were beautiful statues that depicted the legendary players’ most notable stances while they had played. While staring at these iconic figures, I asked one of my friends, “If there was to be a statue made of yourself, […]

How the Swift Kick Team Made the Company Values Picture Perfect

Matt and Nicole did not know what to expect when they entered a near empty office building at 55th and Lexington for their first Quarterly Retreat with Swift Kick. I highly doubt they would have guessed they would put their directing and acting skills to the test. After lunch, Tom, Matt, Nicole, and myself (Sabina) […]

Community is in the Little Things: Raising the Tide

Community is in the Little Things

Here at Swift Kick, one of our core values is “Raise the Tide.” In other words, we’re in this together, so contribute to the greater good of the community. I really took this core value to heart when I started working here, and found how easy it was to create a sense of love and […]

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