NOW OFFERING: Virtual Leadership Programs

You may have noticed that life as we know it has changed entirely for the time being. Most of us are working from home, balancing hour-long grocery store lines, watching and teaching our children, all on top of a full time job, if we are that lucky to still have our job. All colleges are […]
Icebreakers: How to Make Them Effective

Recently, we discussed why icebreakers are important. Now, I want to explain what makes an icebreaker effective. Some people love them, and others can’t stand them. However, you feel about them, researchers have found that feelings of closeness are sparked when people share things about themselves. What makes an effective icebreaker? Rules for Effective Icebreakers […]
And the Winning #FreeHugs Postcard Is…

Thank you to all those who voted for our 2017-2018 Free Hugs postcard! We are so grateful to Meredith Kenton for such creative contributions. Thanks for taking the time to design great postcards. Meredith is a Chemistry major at Washington College in Maryland. Fun facts about Meredith: Meredith grew up in Portland, Oregon and moved to Pennsylvania before middle school She’s […]
Pay Attention, Ask For Help, Set Your Soul on Fire – Leadership Tips

Each month Swift Kick will be highlighting a member in our community who shows extraordinary Leadership within their own community. In the month of February, we decided to conduct a Q&A with Tony Williams. He is a dedicated Community Assistant, the Social Diversity Chair for Association of Campus Events, and the Membership Chair for KU Presidential […]
Why This 9 Letter Word is So Meaningful

When I came here, I was looking for a community. Then I realized I was helping to create one.” – OSU If you look at the word “community” what do you see? Here at Swift Kick, this amazing nine-letter word means so much. Take a look as we break down each letter to explain why […]
My Journey: How I Became a Hall Director

Res Life at KU – where my journey began College is where we find ourselves and discover what we want to do in life When entering Kutztown, I decided I wanted to be a Special Education Teacher. After the first year and going into my sophomore year, I switched to Communication and eventually picked up […]
Kicking Bullying to the Curb

Meet Addison Mallery! HI! My name is Addy Mallery, and I am a 19 year old sophomore student studying at Allegany College of Maryland. I am currently in the early childhood education program, and will be graduating with my associates’ degree next spring. I will then be transferring to Frostburg State to get my Bachelors […]
Leadership is Not Always About Being Followed

During a short car ride home from the gym with my father, he started to share about what he had been thinking about during his workout. He shared that through his life experiences, he has learned that leadership is not always about making sure others are following you, but more about being willing to go […]
Avoid the “School, & Work, & Leadership Activities…Oh My!!!” Mentality When Confronting Stress

If you’re watching the weather, you know that many parts of the United States are awaiting the arrival of an epic snow storm, but this storming is nothing in comparison to the storming the spring semester stress can cause on a college campus. It’s that time of year again! The Fall semester is over but […]
5 New Year’s Resolutions for Becoming a Better Community Member

Welcomed. Connected. Engaged. This is how we want every person in our communities to feel. You could spend hours reading our blog (please do 😉 ) to learn how to create this vibe as a campus leader, but sometimes you just need a few actionable goals to actually make change happen. Here are a few […]