2007 Swift Kick Program Calendar


As we close the door on 2007, here’s a look back at who we worked with. 01/02/07 APCA Las Vegas Advisors Summit 01/03/07 APCA Las Vegas Advisors Summit 01/04/07 APCA Las Vegas Advisors Summit 01/23/07 Valencia CC 01/27/07 University of Alabama – Birmingham 01/27/07 Nazareth College 02/11/07 Lees-McRae College 02/17/07 NACA Nationals 02/18/07 NACA Nationals […]

Keeping the Focus – Posting our Projects

Keeping the Focus

By design, we move fast at Swift Kick. Our staff is small with 2 full-time employees (Kevin and Me), 1 part-time (Emma**), and a team of ad-hoc consultants (designer, programmer, accountant, etc.) Kevin and I are always impressed when we look back 6 months and see our progress. A major advantage we have is an […]

2006 Debrief

One quarter in to 2007, I thought it would be a good time to air our semi-dirty laundry from 2006. Plus it’s a good reminder for us. We are a modern company, with most of our work done over the web, while traveling, coffee shopping, or in Emma’s case, gallivanting around central park with English […]

I Feel Dumb

And I love it. One of the primary reasons I left my long-time position at Quantum Learning Network is because I did not know how to get much better there. I had reached a point where it felt like I was hitting the ball as solid as I could. It felt really good, but I […]


We just finished a training on technology and education at Johns Hopkins University. Because of the nature of offering new services that people have probably never heard of, such as LinkedIn.com, people get suspicious about our motive. Are we sponsored by the companies we push in our trainings? One audience member said, “Plug!” as we […]

The First Swift Kick Retreat of 2007

The 1st SK company retreat of 2007 closed on January 10th.  This retreat differentiated from the other three we held in 2006 because instead of being about basic logistics of upcoming programs, it was about the growth and vision of Swift Kick as we move into 2007 and beyond. We stated several times on this […]

To Show Ourselves or Not?

To Show Ourselves or Not

It’s great fun to grow through ideas.  There are a number of decisions we are looking at. They seem important now . . . as we design the blog pages / html pages / touch points: 1) Does the swift kick logo mess up the “community” ?  Should SK be an active/ present facilitator, or […]

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