Sharpening a Pencil

Pencils work when they are sharp. So does marketing. So does information architecture. So does the user interface. So do viral memes. We are sharpening Red Rover. There are so many things we could say about it. Many ways we could describe it. The current challenge is to define the POINT. The one thing we […]

RR Future Function: Txt Msg to Self Tag

The following is the “Future Function” we are exploring for the addition to the Red Rover system. As always, your thoughts are welcome! Future Function A student could text a word to a given number and this word would be added to their tag profile. They would then automatically be added to a group that […]

RR Function: Group Recommendation

RR Function: Self Tagging

Red Rover automatically makes recommendations on student groups, providing the student with a shortlist of options tailored to their interests. How It Works 1. Based on the tags the student added to Red Rover, the system delivers appropriate groups with matching tags. 2. The student can join the groups with one click (based on the […]

In the Race

Sooo close. That’s the theme this week. We see the finish line and it’s T-minus 2 weeks or so until we release Red Rover**. It needs a little polish on the user interface and some touch ups to the design and that’s it, we’ll be done with version 1.0! When Red Rover is finished, it […]

A Lovely Nexus

This is an exciting place to be: Research Links: Learning Reconsidered** Data Don’t Drive** Thanks to Dave Leenhouts, for pointing us in the right direction. We actually did the reading Dave : ) ** Link Broken as of June/2019

New Decisions For Red Rover: Part One: Patents?

New Decisions For Red Rover

Entrepreneurialism is a tricky business. There is much to worry about- finances, marketing, innovation, operations, etc., etc. they all need decisions. In rolling out a new product, in our case Red Rover, there are many many decisions to make – what to include, what to leave out, how to sell it, what to charge for […]

Red Rover in Context

As we turn our full attention to Red Rover, I think it is important, and fun, to put the product in context. We started Red Rover with the intent of building a tool that encapsulated Dance Floor Theory™ leadership training and pushes forward the Swift Kick mission. A what to go with the hows that we’ve […]

Ed Reform: Whose Job Is It Anyway?

Capitalism and business models go together. It’s a natural conversation. Do you want a better business? Get a better business model. This blog post below inspired me. Whose Job Is It Anyway?: “Henry Chesbrough’s article in today’s WSJ about the importance of business models in innovation reinforces a point we often make here: the most […]

Red Rover Orientation Product Logo

Our Red Rover** orientation software is nearing its production end. It’s been a long process and we’ve incorporated lots of outside help. One of our final pieces is picking a logo. Input from our SK friends is important to us, so here are a few logo ideas we’re playing with. The final may or may […]

Smaller, Faster, DFT for Info

I’m working on becoming a faster poster.  It seems like a totally normal phase for bloggers to go through. One of my personal strengths is thinking.  One of my personal weaknesses is thinking too much.  Blogging lands squarely on the edge of that two sided coin.  When I think, write and share, that’s good. Often […]

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