Who Hates Class Projects? … Who Also Loves Engagement?

When it hits December, most college students in the world have two things on their mind: final exams and winter break. As the semester comes to the end for me, all I can think of is: “GET ME OUT OF THESE GROUP PROJECTS.” This semester I had 3 group projects in place of finals. So instead […]

The Benjamin Franklin Engagement Effect

You may be familiar with Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Franklin was a leading author, scientist, civic activist, statesman, diplomat, and inventor. Among his many creations were the lightning rod, Franklin stove, bifocal glasses, and the flexible urinary catheter. Who knew that Franklin created a tool for campus leaders like you in the 21st century to […]

The Importance of Crucial Conversations

This past week, the leadership program at my university hosted a Crucial Conversations Round-table Discussion. It was led by one awesome peer of mine, Jeremy Mathis. Jeremy guided our discussion around the issues of cultural appropriation and caricature, particularly during the Halloween season. Kudos to Jeremy for displaying true campus leadership! He’s promoting Open Doors, Open Hearts moments […]

School is Here- Where’s the Enthusiasm?

The beginning of the school year is always the same. You see first years with a weird mix of nervousness and excitement, and upperclassmen with little to no energy. You’ll walk into a classroom and see the split right away. The first years are sitting in the front row and have all the school supplies […]

Blender Events Brainstorming List

Blender Events Brainstorming List

If you follow our blog, you probably noticed we started a new segment called ‘Blender Events‘ where we highlight possible Blender Events student leaders could run on their campus. If you’re a DFT alumni, you should already know the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of Blender Events. If the term is brand new to you, click here to […]

The Why Behind FREE HUGS

Engagement Pyramid

In our Dance Floor Theory™ program, we divide member engagement within a community into six different stages… Technically it’s seven, but that’s another story for another time. We call these six stages The Engagement Pyramid™. Each stage is defined by a different set of characteristics for an individual. Fully engaged members display different characteristics than […]

The Developing Business Model

We didn’t start this company to become speakers.  The vision of the company is much bigger: “A world in which individuals find their own potential while helping others explore theirs.”  (We’ll smooth that sentence one day, but the idea still gets across : ) We see education as facilitation of potential.  We aim to make […]

To Show Ourselves or Not?

To Show Ourselves or Not

It’s great fun to grow through ideas.  There are a number of decisions we are looking at. They seem important now . . . as we design the blog pages / html pages / touch points: 1) Does the swift kick logo mess up the “community” ?  Should SK be an active/ present facilitator, or […]

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