Update – Red Rover Submission into the MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Competitoin
Thus far, the MacArthur Foundation has not released any information, or hints, on the status of individual applications. I’m not sure if they will or if they are holding out until mid-February. The only post competition press release I’ve found is a blog written in October by Cathy N. Davidson and David Theo Goldberg, HASTAC […]
Utilizing Red Rover Tag Clouds for Marketing
Red Rover uses tags throughout its interface to help match people and groups together on campus. Tags are simple keywords that describe a person or group. Institution tag clouds, like the one seen here, are a collection of all the individual and group tags for an institution. The institution tag cloud becomes a poster for […]
Keeping the Focus – Posting our Projects
By design, we move fast at Swift Kick. Our staff is small with 2 full-time employees (Kevin and Me), 1 part-time (Emma**), and a team of ad-hoc consultants (designer, programmer, accountant, etc.) Kevin and I are always impressed when we look back 6 months and see our progress. A major advantage we have is an […]
It’s Too Easy to Focus on the Negatives of Myspace and Facebook
We break our Myspace/Facebook program** for students into 3 parts: 1) The Dangers 2) Protecting Yourself 3) How to Use the Tools Positively and Effectively In the actual talk, we spend only about 1/3rd of the time on the first two parts and 2/3rds on the last part. The reason is studies show that students […]
Why We Speak.
Kevin is on the tail end of a 3 week tour with 14 days of solid speaking. That’s impressive and the most amount of consecutive speaking we’ve ever done. Before he left I sent him an email as a reminder as to why our speaking matters beyond keeping Swift Kick alive: Today on Facebook, I […]
Creating a Speech
Speaker turnover in the college market is impressive. We’ve seen it happen far too often. A new speaker spends around $2000 to go to an APCA or NACA conference only to never show up again. What happens? There are many reasons and we will try to blog about them from time to time so others […]
Red Rover Intro Video
In talking with a lot of advisors who are trying to start Red Rover on their campus, one of the challenges they say they are facing is convincing the staff/admin how it works and what it does. So we put together this video. More help is coming soon including a website with screenshots and an […]
We Are Late and It Hurts.
We officially started the production team working on Red Rover in May. Our goal was to be done at the beginning of August. We worked hard to make sure we had a set of pilot schools lined up who could start using the software in August for the beginning of their school year. We were […]
Facebook Passing on the Niche Markets
On July 17th, Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, was interviewed by Time Magazine in an article titled, “The Future of Facebook.” The last line of Mark’s answer to this question was most interesting to me: Then on July 25th Facebook posted this blog** in their developer’s corner: Education should deliver relevant connections** to new people, ideas, […]
Why Red Rover Matters to Increasing Engagement on Campus
The 2006 National Survey on Student Engagement said, “The most important factor [to increased engagement on campus] was relationships with faculty and other students.” The 2005 National Survey on Student Engagement reported that 60-84% (non-commuter vs commuter campuses) of college students will never participate in a college sponsored activity. On the flip side of that. […]