Lessons Learned Through Our New Thriving Community

Recently, I was introduced to the StartUp Podcast. Alex Blumberg decided to start a podcast series about what happens when someone who knows nothing about a business starts one. It’s very interesting to listen along to Alex’s journey on how he created his business; he discusses his thoughts and records his conversations during his journey […]
Communication and Organization … What is That?

Happy August! It’s a busy season over here with team Swift Kick. Some people take vacations, some renovate their homes, and others decide to speak at different organizations for weeks on end around the country… *cough* Tom Krieglstein *cough*. You might think that a company that travels throughout the country, including overseas at times, would […]
Working In A Community You Love

It’s 7:30 in the morning and my alarm is buzzing. Time to wake up and get ready for work! I know not a lot of people put excitement behind that statement, however, I am lucky enough to say I do. Waking up and going to work is an exciting task for me. Why? Because I […]
Virtual Overload: 3 Ways To Step Away From Your Screen

Eyes squinting, there’s a headache starting in the back of your head… Yep, time to take a break! Just because you work virtually from home, or stare at a screen all day in the office, does not mean you don’t deserve a break. On the contrary, it is healthy to take a step away from […]
The Time When Swift Kick Became Detectives and Traveled to Poland

Last Wednesday, Team Swift Kick put on their thinking caps and became Detectives! Tom, Jay, and Sami traveled to Krakow, Poland (virtually of course) to the beautiful Czartoryski Museum. While here, Game Master Kasia gave them the rundown on what happened. One of the employees from the Museum stole a beautiful painting by Leonardo Da […]
Celebrating Your Members

In the famous book, How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, there’s a story about a small-town newspaper that does really well despite most of the other small-town newspapers failing. After Dale interviewed the editor, he said his secret was to make it a point to print the names of the townspeople […]
Picking a Social Platform for Your Community Hub

For weeks, we have been posting content to our private Facebook group for student leaders, and even though it had over 2000 members, no one responded to any of the content. With each passing day, we felt disheartened, thinking that we were not great at creating engaging content. It turns out that wasn’t the case. […]
Swift Kick partners with Top Rated Venture Capital Firms to Expand a Private Community for Venture-Backed Entrepreneurs

Off The Record Forums, LLC partners with Swift Kick to expand their private community of entrepreneurs of venture-backed companies. NY, New York – Tom Krieglstein has become the new Executive Director of Off The Record. Tom and his team at Swift Kick are charged with managing the entire member experience from recruiting new members to […]
How To Measure Member Engagement

My role as Member Engagement Chair for the NYC Entrepreneurs’ Organization was to come up with a way to celebrate our most engaged members. Coming up with prizes was easy, but determining our top members out of 300 people was difficult. I started by listing out all the activities that a member might engage with […]
How To Engage Your Super Users

SAS is a massive global analytics software and solutions provider with just over 380,000 users engaged in their community. However, within those 380,000 users, only 23 members get the official title of “Super User” each year. That’s right, only 23 people per year! The invite-only application to become a SAS Super User is based on […]