The Value of a Community Door Greeter #50Meetups

The whole point of a community is to have a shared affinity around a passion or topic. I knew I was going to like the Meetup F*ckup Nights NYC** because the topic of failed entrepreneurial moments is right up my alley. The Meetup took place at the top floor of a co-working space in Brooklyn. After I […]

6 Ways to Make Meetings More Meaningful

The word “meeting” has taken on a boring, time-wasting, and generally negative connotation in recent times. We’re all busy people. Who really wants to sit around a table with people you barely know and talk logistics for an hour? The fact that most of us begin our meetings by staring at our phones can answer […]

Wedding Planning Taught Me that Humans Need Humans

Okay so I still haven’t gotten a dress and oh crap flowers are expensive and how can I possibly find dresses for my bridesmaids when they don’t even live nearby and what about my hair???? WEDDING PLANNING IS HARD!!!!!!!!!! This was the mental dialogue happening inside my head last week, as I realized my wedding […]

How to Host an Alice in Wonderland Themed Retreat

On Friday, the Swift Kick team got together to plan the first quarter of 2017. It was extra special because we got to meet Dee for the first time! Melissa and I have been planning this retreat for a while now, so we are so happy that our Alice in Wonderland day turned out perfectly. Step […]

Little Letters – Jake’s Internship Farewell

Dear Swift Kick Team, It feels only appropriate that my final reflection would come in the form of some little letters. To think, applying for this internship was a only a few months out of the year. It feels like this experience has stretched so much longer than just Quarter 3 and Quarter 4. Thank […]

[WATCH] The Swift Kick Team Sings a Holiday Song for You

Whatever we do for this next video, I will not sing. -Melissa, 10 minutes before, we wrote a parody of the 12 Days of Christmas. Clearly, we don’t listen very well to our own advice. So, for our embarrassment, and your enjoyment, our 12 [out of tune] Days on Campus, written, directed, and performed by […]

Why we are grateful for you!

Every day, the Swift Kick team gets together at 10:10 a.m. to discuss what projects we are working on. At the end of this meeting, we close it with “5 things you are grateful for, IN YOUR LIFE!” This is one of my personal favorite sections because I am able to reflect on the positive […]

An Interview with Two Graduating Seniors

Graduating – The day comes sooner than you think. You blink, and suddenly the summer chaos that is your first day of college now becomes your last semester before walking the stage. You are finishing up your last classes of undergrad and everything is becoming so very real. Graduation Two incredible student leaders are finishing […]

Gift Buying Guide for Your Whole Team

Gift Buying Guide for Your Whole Team

It’s the holiday season! (So woop-de-doo, and dickery dock..) If you want to show your appreciation for your team to help them get through the end of the quarter, an early gift exchange can do the trick. But what to get? For the overachiever who has saved your butt several times last minute A funny […]

5 Times Leaders are Required to Speak

Something big has just happened. Somebody needs to say something. You look around the room and see everyone staring back at you. Crap, that somebody is you, huh? With a title like President, Co-chair, or Head Honcho, you’re expected to have the words when nobody else does. That doesn’t mean you feel ready. Being a […]

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