Nonverbal Cues: Your Silent Partner in Engagement

Imagine you’re checking out a new apartment. While getting a tour of the place from the current renter, who would be your roommate, he starts acting odd. I mean, really odd. He walks rapidly around the apartment. He holds his water glass high above his head. Next thing you know, he is shuffling backwards on […]

Is Your Team a Bunch of Dumb Rats?

dumb rats

While preparing for an upcoming program with a group of campus leaders, I asked the Director of Orientation if anything in particular stood out about her group of students. She replied, “I don’t know what it is about this year, or this group, but they just aren’t into it. They seem low energy, low passion, […]

Everyone Plays a Role in Engagement: Finding Community Leaders

DFT Tip #35

“You have to meet Ms. Peaches! Everyone loves her. She takes time to talk with each one of us to really understand the challenges we’re facing. When I talk with her, I can tell she really cares about our success. She goes out of her way to help anyone who needs it.” When I first […]

How the Dictionary, and 6 Famous People, Define Community

According to, one of the definitions of the word community is “similar character; agreement; identity.” Here at Swift Kick, we believe that people become better versions of themselves when they are connected to a strong community. We aren’t the only ones who feel this way…#TeamHuman Which one of these quotes best describes your community? […]

Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do Anywhere

T-9 days until Random Acts of Kindness Day, and we can’t wait! We know it can be tough to think of new ways to be kind to people. To help you plan your R.A.K.s, here’s a list of things you can do…anywhere! Kindness for your team: Leave compliments for each team member to find before your next […]

It’s the Final Exit! – Healthy Skepticism

As we were climbing the stairs to leave the gym, I saw a sign near the floor pointing to the door that said, “Final Exit.” I thought to myself, “Well, that’s a bit dramatic. This is clearly not the last time I will exit this building, let alone anything ever. There’s still two more doors […]

Can I Be Real A Second? [Open Doors, Open Hearts Style]

Can I be real a second, For just a millisecond? -George Washington, Hamilton First, this post is a personal one, stemming from a core value here at Swift Kick, Open Doors, Open Hearts, so I hope you can relate. Second, yes, I am still obsessed with the Hamilton soundtrack. Now that we have that settled, I’d like […]

3 Unexpected Ways to Build a Unique Campus Culture

The best college experiences are the ones where you feel completely connected to the spirit of your campus. Fight songs, Homecoming, dances – these all aim to create a campus culture that everyone feels part of. But sometimes you need a fresh new idea to kick-start your community. Check out what these three colleges did […]

Tom was on TV About the Hugging World Record!

Roses are red, Violets are blue. Hugs are free, For me and you! On Thursday, November 3, we hosted Student Free Hugs Day.  Thank you to the College of DuPage for hosting the attempt at breaking a world record for the most number of hugs in one minute. It was an honor for Tom to […]

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