Big Magic: Ways to Make Creativity Part of Every Day Life

A book report on Peter Rabbit… Peter Rabbit is this stupid book, About this stupid rabbit who steals Vegetables from other peoples’ gardens. (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17) Hmm. 83 to go. While reading the above, some of you may have read that and ended up confused. For those of you that think that was a creative start to this […]

[Video] Team Creativity: Unlocking Your Team’s Creative Genius

“I made an Elsa cake. There’s no need for that.” -Marisol Bazile Is there anything more creative than making an Elsa birthday cake? Nope, there isn’t. Which is why the Swift Kickin’ It Show brought Marisol on for Episode Two to chat about unlocking team creativity. This episode of SKTV is for team leaders who […]

Design the Next #FreeHugs Postcard!

Are you a creative person? Does your art dazzle, amaze, and inspire? Do you want the opportunity to have your original design travel across the country? We have an exciting opportunity for you! Here’s the run down: Swift Kick loves free hugs. We want to spread that love as far as it can go. We’re […]

How to Plan an Under the Sea Retreat

To start each quarter, we gather the team, including interns, for a Swift Kick retreat. Sabina and I are the masterminds- it used to be Tom, but he “trusts” us to plan it now. (Yikes.) Take a look our step-by-step creative process to make this theme come to life: Step One – Plan for a […]

Yes And…Using Improv for Team Success

Last week, I went to the zoo… Suzie: Yes, and when I arrived, I could understand all the animals’ languages… Johnny: Yes, and I heard the giraffes talking smack about the turtles… Fred: Yes, and I found out that it was because the turtles played a prank on the giraffes… See where I’m going with this? Nope? […]

6 Ways to Make Meetings More Meaningful

The word “meeting” has taken on a boring, time-wasting, and generally negative connotation in recent times. We’re all busy people. Who really wants to sit around a table with people you barely know and talk logistics for an hour? The fact that most of us begin our meetings by staring at our phones can answer […]

Was your team’s last bright idea ANOTHER bake sale?

WARNING: There are a lot of gifs ahead 🙂 Tired of the same old programming? via GIPHY You don’t think a bake sale is going to grab the audience you’re looking for? via GIPHY Feel like you’re watching an infomercial? via GIPHY WELL DO I HAVE THE BLOG FOR YOU! It can be difficult to come […]

When You Go To War with Post-It Notes as Your Ammo

When You Go To War with Post-It Notes as Your Ammo

What if you walked into work, looked out the window, and saw Marge Simpson looking at you from the office across the street? Here at the office, Melissa and I have been day-dreaming about attaching a #FreeHugs sign to the window by our desk, so that the building next to us can have a laugh. Apparently, […]

6 Ways to Increase Your Creativity

6 Ways to Increase Your Creativity

Creativity is important no matter what you do. Student leaders especially need to be creative to make it work, as Tim Gunn says, whether dealing with people, crazy projects, or school administration. These 6 steps to better creativity come straight from a developmental psychology textbook*. Try to be surprised every day. In other words, be […]

Sign Sabotage… [BLENDER EVENT]

While at University of Connecticut the other day, I came across the Sparta sign below, and it got me thinking about a new Blender Event related to the Keynote I wish I would’ve done at the ACUI6 conference. Imagine if once a year, all the student groups partnered with the maintenance people to creatively reconstruct […]

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