Don’t Hide Your Scars: How Leaders Can Inspire Hope by Sharing Their Past

The Best Leaders Don’t Just Share Their Successes; They Share Their Scars I was recently keynoting at a university, sharing my story of academic struggles and eventual triumph with a group of students on academic probation. My goal? To inspire them with my journey and offer strategies for turning their academic careers around. After my […]

Go Small: The Secret to Driving Retention, Engagement, and Productivity

Stop thinking so big to transform your team’s culture. John Gottman, a leading expert on relationships, found, after decades of research, that successful long-term relationships aren’t built on big, dramatic gestures. Instead, they thrive on what he calls “small things often”—little actions, repeated frequently, that make the other person feel valued and connected. Things like […]

Nonverbal Cues: Your Silent Partner in Engagement

Imagine you’re checking out a new apartment. While getting a tour of the place from the current renter, who would be your roommate, he starts acting odd. I mean, really odd. He walks rapidly around the apartment. He holds his water glass high above his head. Next thing you know, he is shuffling backwards on […]

What Each Level of Engagement Needs in Your Community

DFT Engagement Pyramid

In 1943, American psychologist Abraham Maslow published an article in Psychological Review titled, “A Theory of Human Motivation.” Maslow proposed that humans have five levels of needs that build in sequential order. The needs are (in order), physiological, safety, social, self-esteem, and self-actualization. For a human to care about self-actualization, the other four needs are […]

Identifying Trending Leaders and Laying Tracks for Motivated Trains

trending leaders

While walking around Central Park in NYC, I watched a little league softball game on the field next to me. Surrounding the field was a collection of parents multitasking between the game, their phones, and watching their younger kids. One parent in particular was having a hard time keeping her little one under control. Her […]

Watch Tom Krieglstein’s New Marketing Video

It’s been a huge year so far for Swift Kick! First, we welcomed Justin to the team. Now, we are excited to show you Tom’s new marketing video. We are thrilled with the way it came out. Swift Kick is so proud of all Tom has accomplished with this company. In Tom’s own words: CELEBRATION […]

After You Make An Introduction, Get Out Of The Way

This post is a continuation of our last post about creating affinity groups through shared interest introductions. Tom talked about how he connected two strangers at an event because they were both wearing Batman shirts for International Batman Day. Read the post here if you need a refresher! After I made the Batman introduction happen, […]

Is Batman in Your Organization?: Creating Affinity Groups

A common practice of mine during my trainings to greet as many of the participants ahead of time. During one training, a guy walked in wearing a unique looking Batman shirt, so I made a comment. His face lit up, and he excitedly said to me, “Did you know that today is International Batman Day?” […]

Fun Is The Easiest Way To Change Someone’s Behavior

A group of psychologists seated themselves between a staircase and an escalator in a U.S. shopping mall to run a study. They set out to answer two questions: What percentage of people choose stairs over an escalator when given the choice between the two? How would behavior change if people were made aware of the […]

The Danger of Keeping Negative Nellies on Your Team

Devin ran a real-estate management firm and his team was very close. They celebrated everything from birthdays to anniversaries together. From the outside, you’d assume they were the perfect team, but danger was just under the surface. Devin was actually running a team that was about to rot from the inside out, all because of […]

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