Do You Have The Spring Break Blues?

What exactly is Spring Break Blues? Well, it’s when your still in the Spring Break mindset, so find yourself not being able to focus or be motivated on anything work related. Trust me, it’s a tough situation because you still want to be that hard worker and person that other people can depend on, but […]
So Close, Yet So Far Away…Make Your Support System a Solid One!

So now that I’m in my second semester of graduate school, it has become apparent to me just how much a solid support system can become a great ascent. In college an individual can find multiple means of support through their department, friends, family, professors, faculty, adviser of organizations, etc… However, in graduate school, I […]
Top 15 Steve Jobs Quotes on Education

Steve Jobs’ leadership has been well documented, but it wasn’t just about tech. He showed us that innovation, teamwork, and big ideas can come together in unique ways. Jobs’ secret was finding a balance between giving people the freedom to create and providing the structure they need to thrive. This approach pairs perfectly with our […]
Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/08/11)

—> 5 Notable Blogs <— –> 5 Notable Comments <— —> 5 Notable Questions <— Cultivating Compassion in Our Practice #SAchat — Student Affairs (@The_SA_Blog) August 8, 2011 Cultivating Compassion in Our Practice #SAchat — Student Affairs (@The_SA_Blog) August 8, 2011 Sending an e-mail to remind a student how to spell his own […]
Your Strategic Network

Harvard Business Review writers Linda Hill & Kent Lineback recently wrote an article titled “The Three Networks You Need.” Here’s a quick overview of each network: – Your Operational Network – People you lean on to complete your day-to-day work within your job role. – Your Developmental Network – People you lean on for emotional […]
Red Rover Through a 7th Grader’s Eyes: A Day in the Life of a MicroIntern

Yesterday, technology teacher George Haines brought a group of his 7th and 8th grade students to our offices for a MicroInternship, a one-day opportunity to see what working in a tech startup is all about. Meaghan, our MicroIntern, spent most of the day working with us, and we were immediately impressed with her positive energy […]
Sir Ken Robinson: Changing Education Paradigms [VIDEO]

Sir Ken Robinson continues to be a hero of ours for his ability to perfectly articulate how to imporve the educational system. In case you haven’t watched any of his pervious TED talks, check them out here and here. (via @NikiRudolph)
Starting Alumni Engagement Before Orientation

I created this deck to frame the conversation as to how Red Rover can support alumni departments with their goals. It’s cross posted over at the Swift Kick/Red Rover blog. The slide show can also be viewed and downloaded here.
Beyond the Classroom: An Interview with Nic Ford

Nic Ford is a sophomore at Lewis-Clark State College in Idaho, and is a member of the Red Rover Ground Team. He’s working toward a career in Marketing, and has big plans for his campus radio station this fall. Check out Nic’s design work at Nic spoke with us about using tools like the […]
Red Rover Training At NMSU [IMAGE]

Last week I spent two days at New Mexico State University training their student leaders and staff on the launch of Red Rover as their new campus directory. Holly Rae Bemis-Schurtz (pictured below) from the Student Success office hosted me. Beyond making me feel extremely welcomed by suggesting the best guacamole and salsa in town (Andele), Holly’s championing of Red Rover ahead of time has made for an already successful launch. Here’s to a great year working together! Hostess extraordinaire, Holly! Airplane breakfast of champions 1st round of student leaders – left side of room. 1st round of student leaders…