It isn’t work work work work work work if it’s fun!

Rihanna says it right when she says “work, work, work, work, work, work.” I have noticed as I get older that it is very easy for people to get caught up with their job. Having to get a report in on time, trying to make a sale, or having a good outcome to a meeting seems to […]
How too many mixed up hands can produce a successful event

This post was written by a student we worked with. Andi is a current student leader at the university of New Jersey City. Andi’s area of focus is in Biology and is president of the Chemistry Club. Being the President of the Chemistry Club at New Jersey City University, I happened to notice that the events […]
What does your personality mean to you and your community?

My sisters and I were recently sitting in a cafe, and I was discussing potential educational icebreakers that I could organize for the group of resident assistants that I will supervise this upcoming year. A bunch of different icebreakers were brought up, but the two that stood out to me involved discovering the different personalities […]
Having a Group Doesn’t Mean You Have a Community

What do you do when your community doesn’t want to, well…“community”? In addition to working with Swift Kick, I am also a personal trainer. I teach a weekly bootcamp class with “The People’s Bootcamp” and get to bring together two things I like to do: exercise and telling people what to do teaching. On any given week, up […]
When You Go To War with Post-It Notes as Your Ammo

What if you walked into work, looked out the window, and saw Marge Simpson looking at you from the office across the street? Here at the office, Melissa and I have been day-dreaming about attaching a #FreeHugs sign to the window by our desk, so that the building next to us can have a laugh. Apparently, […]
Leadership is Not Always About Being Followed

During a short car ride home from the gym with my father, he started to share about what he had been thinking about during his workout. He shared that through his life experiences, he has learned that leadership is not always about making sure others are following you, but more about being willing to go […]
Ways To Have An Adventurous Summer Within A New Community

As summer is approaching, I have had multiple conversations with my various groups of friends regarding their summer plans. A few of my friends within my cohort or graduate school class are attending summer internships in a different state. One of my undergraduate friends is also experiencing a similar change in scenery by moving to Pittsburgh […]
“Excuse me, Miss?”

“Excuse me miss, do you know where I can find an organically grown smile?” No. Wait, what? *Smile* Crap. You never know what someone might stop and ask you on a New York City street. But on my hurried way to the gym that day, I had to give this gentleman some credit. Of all […]
It’s The Little Things That Matter Within Communities

A few days ago I went to the store to find one of my undergraduate friends her graduation present. Since my friend’s graduation is a big milestone in her life, I decided that I had to find her the perfect, meaningful graduation gift. Fast forward a few days, today I get a text message from […]
Why an Electronics Company Needed to Order 1,200 Mattresses

Hi, yes, Sleepys? I need 1,200 mattresses by next week. No they don’t need to be Sleep Number. The cheapest you got. At least this is how I imagine this story started. (I don’t actually know if they straight up ordered these mattresses or not.) Apparently, the important people at this particular electronics company decided […]