When You Want to Scream Remember Me

When You Want to Scream Remember Me

Last night, I knocked over my coat rack as I was heading out the door to handle a problem.  It had already been such a rough Monday that just this simple event almost led me to tears.  Shortly after I received a text message from one of my classmates who told me that she just […]

Handling Goodbyes: Make your Community Last Even After Members Leave

Handling Goodbyes

So it’s coming to that point of the year again…after all the stress of the spring semester classes and finals are over.  My Res-Life Staff is leaving me!  How can I possibly say goodbye to six unique individuals who have been a big part of my life as a first time res-life supervisor? Well, I […]

Sleep is Neat (And Makes Your Community Better)

Recently, I was averaging going to bed at 2:00am and then waking up at 8:00am. That’s what about 6 hours of sleep every day of the week. Ahhh, not good! In fact, it was so “not good” that I was sick over the entire Easter weekend while I was supposed to be relaxing and enjoying […]

Learning Can Be Spontaneous and Unexpected

Spontaneous learning recently occurred for one of my resident assistants when she had to deal with a tough situation.  When everyone was freaking out, she remained calmed and handled the situation by calling who she needed to call to get the individuals the help they needed.  While she had been previously trained through mock situations […]

Noticing Types of Encouragement for Success in Your Environment

“When I get older I want to be an astronaut.” When we were younger, our main source of support rested on our parents telling us that if we really wanted to be an astronaut we could achieve that goal.  As we got older, not only did our goal for our future career change and become […]

So Close, Yet So Far Away…Make Your Support System a Solid One!

So now that I’m in my second semester of graduate school, it has become apparent to me just how much a solid support system can become a great ascent. In college an individual can find multiple means of support through their department, friends, family, professors, faculty, adviser of organizations, etc…  However, in graduate school, I […]

4 Ideas to Make Your Superbowl Party a Touchdown

Half the room is grunting and shouting at the big screen, and screaming at the refs for bad calls that will invariably affect their daily fantasy football performance. A quarter of the room is just trying to understand what the heck they are watching. The final quarter is wondering if their nails would look cute […]

[VIDEO] Simple Events to Bring Your Team Closer Together

Right before she left, our intern Nicole made a fun video with community manager Sabina about their failed attempt to hold a blender event at their office. They talk about why it didn’t work to build community culture, why it might work for you, and what they could have done better. The second half of the […]

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