Dance Floor Theory Moments in the Hunger Games Series

(Don’t worry, no spoilers for Hunger Mocking Jay Part II) I want to be like Katniss Everdeen. Yeah, I said it! You may be wondering why a 21-year old campus leader would want to be a fictional character from a book series. Well, it’s not because she won the 74th Annual Hunger Games, or because she […]
Introverts: Understanding the Biggest Mystery for an Extroverted Student Leader

As an extrovert, it’s been hard for me to understand an introvert’s perspective my entire life… until recently. I always thought, “Why are you so quiet? Stop being a party pooper! If you like spending time with yourself more than with me or others people… you’re just strange!” However, since I’ve made friends with several […]
Roller Coaster Theory: Creating Engaging Moments on Campus

Ahh, the smell of sweet, delicious food in the air. Wow, everyone’s sporting Harry Potter wardrobe on the streets. Whoa, there’s the castle; it looks so big! That’s right, I’m talking about Harry Potter World in Universal Studios. This past week I’ve been on a leadership conference in Orlando, FL, and I’ve been lucky enough […]
Lip Sync Battles Are Extremely Important

You enter the auditorium, shaking, nervously looking at the bright stage set up for the next activity. You know what it is and you know it’ll take you far out of your comfort zone. You want to find a way out. That’s how a lot of people feel about the very last event of orientation […]
4 Love-Centered Tips for Increasing Engagement in Your Student Organization

Pulling my hair out, twitching at work, having slight panic attacks over all the work to be done.. Making lists upon lists for a cultural club instead of homework and papers. Caring more about the outcome of our event than the job I was getting paid for….and good golly gosh I loved it. That’s what […]
Playing to Win Can Get You Coffee

I woke up this morning in my usual haze, unsure of what was happening or what I needed to do. There’s only a few fixes to this problem, but my favorite is coffee. I leave my building, and silently praise whoever decided to put a Dunkin Donut’s directly next to my apartment. There’s always a […]
Putting “Open Doors, Open Hearts” to Work at Orientation

Walking into the next orientation was always a nerve-wracking experience. The orientation leaders’ heads were filled with questions such as “Which student is going to give me a hard time?” and “What happens if I can’t convince them to participate?” In OL training, we were prepared for these students. We were told what to say […]
6 Crafty Ways To Make Club Meetings Successful

Many student leaders are on the board of one club or another, be it a cultural club or the underwater basket-weaving club. And if you are a club leader, then you know how frustrating it can be to get the students who show up at club meetings to pay attention, get engaged, and stay engaged. […]
Dance Floor Theory on Facebook

In Dance Floor Theory™ we outline four steps it takes for a student leader to move a group from a “bad dance” to a “good dance.” They are… Introduce Yourself Introduce People To Each Other Make Small Relevant Groups Get Out Of The Way As more schools and student groups build an online presence for […]
Hi World, Meet

As a student leader in college, my club spent a full year fundraising to host a year-end celebration. We hosted bake sales, raffles, and even a “kissing” booth, so we could generate enough funds. The amount of time it took to raise so few funds was ridiculous and had nothing to do with the purpose […]