Wedding Planning Taught Me that Humans Need Humans

Okay so I still haven’t gotten a dress and oh crap flowers are expensive and how can I possibly find dresses for my bridesmaids when they don’t even live nearby and what about my hair???? WEDDING PLANNING IS HARD!!!!!!!!!! This was the mental dialogue happening inside my head last week, as I realized my wedding […]

“You Won’t Go to College” – Sami’s Story Pt. 1

I have debated on writing this post for a while now. I am proud of my accomplishment, but I wasn’t sure if I was ready to share my story with those outside of my life. Then I realized that this community has become my online family. I love writing posts for everyone here to read, […]

Death Cafe NYC – #50MeetUps

Death Cafe

You might think I am weird, but I like to talk about death. Not in a creepy way. I am simply fascinated by the conversations around death and dying. In our #50MeetUps journey, my next stop was with the Death Cafe NYC Meet Up. This group is run by a Hospice Memory Artist and a Grief Specialist […]

Your One Job – Keep People Out of the Twilight Zone

Sweating, tripping over his own two feet, a man cries out for anyone, anyone, to answer him. He stumbles around a strange town, completely devoid of any human life. Finally, he is rendered exhausted and terrified, repeatedly pushing the button at the crosswalk, begging for help.  I sat down the other day and watched the […]

Can I Be Real A Second? [Open Doors, Open Hearts Style]

Can I be real a second, For just a millisecond? -George Washington, Hamilton First, this post is a personal one, stemming from a core value here at Swift Kick, Open Doors, Open Hearts, so I hope you can relate. Second, yes, I am still obsessed with the Hamilton soundtrack. Now that we have that settled, I’d like […]

Why This 9 Letter Word is So Meaningful

When I came here, I was looking for a community. Then I realized I was helping to create one.” – OSU If you look at the word “community” what do you see? Here at Swift Kick, this amazing nine-letter word means so much. Take a look as we break down each letter to explain why […]

12 months of #TeamHuman (Try Not to Cry)

It’s the little things that count. Click through each of the 12 months to see how our world supported #TeamHuman in 2016. You don’t have to do a lot to help someone in need. A small gesture can go a long way. (We aren’t responsible for  any tears you shed as you go through the […]

Why You Should Have a New Year’s Resolution Buddy

Let’s say that you and 19 friends all choose resolutions for 2017. Guess how many of you will achieve that new year’s resolution, statistically? No really, guess. 1.6 of you. Yes, one of you, plus a little more than half of another friend, will achieve your goal. Okay, so I chose the number 20, so […]

How My Professor is a Part of #TeamHuman

For the past week, I have been studying for my psychology exam. I didn’t do so great on the first one, so I was determined to do amazing on my final. When driving to class, I was jamming out to some awesome 90s music and enjoying the traffic that came along. After arriving at Kutztown, […]

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