Melissa’s Summer Bucket List

Summer, summer, summertime! We are approaching my favorite time of year – when the weather is warm hot and people are happier. There have been a few summers, though, that have passed without really any significant memory. So this year, I made a small bucket list. Emphasis on small, because the more I put on […]

3 Productive Ways to Procrastinate that Will Make You a Better Leader

Yeah, you heard me – I said productive ways to procrastinate. I just gave you your new favorite oxymoron. Ya welcome. Look at pictures of baby animals Stop what you’re doing. Google search “baby turtles.” Then go be more productive. The science: Apparently, looking at baby animals improves your work performance. This seems to be […]

9 Quotes About Leadership from Richard Branson

Let’s face it, having limitless resources would be amazing. But so would inspiring and creating real, sustainable change in our world. Luckily, there are people in this world who do both. Richard Branson* was a high school drop-out with dyslexia and now is one of the most influential people in the world. Take a look at what this […]

5 Things to Say Instead of “I’m sorry, but”

I’m sorry, but can you please get that paper work done? I’m sorry, but did you ever email our advisor…? I’m sorry to bother you, but do you know when you’ll have that done? Sound familiar? We have all done it. Many of us feel like we are bothering someone when we should be owning […]

Why You Should Lend a Helping Hand to Someone You Don’t Like

Why You Should Lend a Helping Hand to Someone You Don’t Like

When I was in second grade, I didn’t like substitute teachers. Yes, I actually cried when my teacher was out sick. We can delve into that at our next therapy session. Anyway, there was a particular substitute teacher who I thought was scary because she seemed like a grumpy old lady. One day, as an […]

3 Qualities of an Exceptional Leader #50Meetups

I wandered into the bar in Midtown Manhattan, looking for a group of people who looked politically engaged. How on earth would I find a meetup group in the middle of a bar during Friday Happy Hour? As I headed to the lower level to find the bathroom (I wanted to touch up my red […]

5 Songs For Your Leadership Playlist When You Need Motivation

Song can be very powerful. When listening to lyrics, I found five specific songs that I would love to highlight with you today. While you are reading through the lyrics, take a moment to understand what the artist is saying. It’s pretty cool to see how leadership can be taught through music. So if you […]

Black History Month Heroes You Might Not Know About

Black History Month is over half way done, and there is so much to learn about the influential people that changed the landscape of our country. At Swift Kick, we pride ourselves on bringing people together. We celebrate human kindness and teamwork, but we also know that there are people in the background who do […]

Pay Attention, Ask For Help, Set Your Soul on Fire – Leadership Tips

Each month Swift Kick will be highlighting a member in our community who shows extraordinary Leadership within their own community. In the month of February, we decided to conduct a Q&A with Tony Williams. He is a dedicated Community Assistant, the Social Diversity Chair for Association of Campus Events, and the Membership Chair for KU Presidential […]

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