I Got DFT’ed…And I Didn’t Like It.

I Got DFT’ed…And I Didn’t Like It.

Last week I was part of a panel discussion for TiE on the New York startup scene. I was invited to talk about my experience as both a TechStars Alumnus and founder of Red Rover and AlumniChoose. Before the event officially started, everyone was casually networking around the room. At one point, a lady popped […]

New Red Rover Feature: Get Your Follow On

Features and Bugs

Earlier this month, Tom wrote about the difference between communities based on weak ties and those built on stronger, face-to-face interactions. The strong-tie groups have a longevity that comes from the real-world relationships between members, while groups that are based on weak ties can form easily, but dissolve just as quickly if the members don’t […]

Red Rover Through a 7th Grader’s Eyes: A Day in the Life of a MicroIntern

Red Rover Through a 7th Grader's Eyes

Yesterday, technology teacher George Haines brought a group of his 7th and 8th grade students to our offices for a MicroInternship, a one-day opportunity to see what working in a tech startup is all about. Meaghan, our MicroIntern, spent most of the day working with us, and we were immediately impressed with her positive energy […]

Red Rover Is Hiring!


We are looking for two awesome Rails developers to join our team. Red Rover is a profitable start up on a big mission – to accelerate the development of human potential by better organizing and connecting communities. Over 30,000 people use our software to connect to other people who share their passions and discover relevant […]

The Red Rover Orientation Activity

Orientation Keynote

Moving students from online connections to offline engagement is a goal of Red Rover. We want to help you find people who are excited about the same things as you within your community and then help you go do stuff around those interests. Facilitating connections around shared interests builds a sense of comfort which according […]

Tis The Season To…Hire


With an amazing 2010 coming to a close for us at Red Rover and 2011 already looking like a landmark year, we’re expanding the team and looking to recruit some amazing new people. Below are two roles we’re hiring for in the next couple weeks. For both roles, they’d start off as trial contractual positions […]

Starting Alumni Engagement Before Orientation

I created this deck to frame the conversation as to how Red Rover can support alumni departments with their goals. It’s cross posted over at the Swift Kick/Red Rover blog. The slide show can also be viewed and downloaded here.

Beyond the Classroom: An Interview with Nic Ford

Interview with Nic Ford

Nic Ford is a sophomore at Lewis-Clark State College in Idaho, and is a member of the Red Rover Ground Team. He’s working toward a career in Marketing, and has big plans for his campus radio station this fall. Check out Nic’s design work at Nicography.net. Nic spoke with us about using tools like the […]

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