Nonverbal Cues: Your Silent Partner in Engagement

Imagine you’re checking out a new apartment. While getting a tour of the place from the current renter, who would be your roommate, he starts acting odd. I mean, really odd. He walks rapidly around the apartment. He holds his water glass high above his head. Next thing you know, he is shuffling backwards on […]
The Two Ingredients Required for Successful Engagement

At some point, every facilitator eventually runs out of activities they can do with a group. It’s natural and bound to happen. This exact thing happened to a friend of mine, Kevin Prentiss, who was running a 10-day long summer program for a group of students at Stanford University. After 10-days of facilitating activities and […]
Work is More Than Your Next Deadline: How to Create High Quality Connections in the Workplace

Fun fact: I knew Sam before she came to work at Swift Kick. She and I are cast members of an on-demand online workout show called Daily Burn 365. We would wake up early to have a trainer beat us up. On camera. In full makeup. Along with another friend Jen, these early mornings led […]
Should you be friends with your co-workers?

Not long ago, someone posted online, “If your only friends are your co-workers, then you have no friends.” I started thinking about different jobs I’ve had, and the office dynamics attached to each of them. And while my co-workers weren’t my only friends, I most certainly considered them friends. Some things can’t help but be […]
Q4 Retreat: How to Build Your Own Swift Kick

September 18, 2017 set the date for yet another amazing Swift Kick team retreat day for the beginning of Q4! This quarter brought forth even more amazing and crazy memories from the Swift Kick family that I will happily share with you. For this quarterly retreat, the theme that Sabina and Melissa had devised was […]
3 Easy Ways to Build Stronger Communities

Wanting to build stronger communities doesn’t have to be laborious. In an environment conducive to communicating, having fun, and working together, teams can build themselves naturally. I have three tips to share with anyone who wants to add some flare to their communities. Most of these things happen naturally, and none of them take specific skills or extraneous effort. Follow […]
5 Ways to Be an Exceptional Community Member from Our Team to Yours!

Curious to hear the perspective of the Swift Kick team on building a great community, I asked them all a question! If you could give the SK community advice about being a better community member what would it be? Here’s what we had to say! Tom’s advice: The more you put in, the more you get out. […]
How My Professor is a Part of #TeamHuman

For the past week, I have been studying for my psychology exam. I didn’t do so great on the first one, so I was determined to do amazing on my final. When driving to class, I was jamming out to some awesome 90s music and enjoying the traffic that came along. After arriving at Kutztown, […]
Humans Need Humans: 10 Quotes That Remind Us Every Day

Throughout time, in song, scripture, music and books, the call to action around community has always existed. No matter your sex, religion, education level, political affiliation or ability, you can’t do it alone. Here are some quotes, old and new, that mark how important it is to be on #TeamHuman. Humans Need Humans. It’s not just a hashtag; […]
5 Reasons Humans Need Humans

At face value, most would say our world is a mess. Collectively, we have a lot of work to do. I argue that it starts on a person -to-person level. I think love, respect and understanding can make great things happen. It just starts with a little human kindness. (And maybe some common sense.) In […]