How too many mixed up hands can produce a successful event

This post was written by a student we worked with. Andi is a current student leader at the university of New Jersey City. Andi’s area of focus is in Biology and is president of the Chemistry Club. Being the President of the Chemistry Club at New Jersey City University, I happened to notice that the events […]
It’s The Little Things That Matter Within Communities

A few days ago I went to the store to find one of my undergraduate friends her graduation present. Since my friend’s graduation is a big milestone in her life, I decided that I had to find her the perfect, meaningful graduation gift. Fast forward a few days, today I get a text message from […]
When You Want to Scream Remember Me

Last night, I knocked over my coat rack as I was heading out the door to handle a problem. It had already been such a rough Monday that just this simple event almost led me to tears. Shortly after I received a text message from one of my classmates who told me that she just […]
Handling Goodbyes: Make your Community Last Even After Members Leave

So it’s coming to that point of the year again…after all the stress of the spring semester classes and finals are over. My Res-Life Staff is leaving me! How can I possibly say goodbye to six unique individuals who have been a big part of my life as a first time res-life supervisor? Well, I […]
Learning Can Be Spontaneous and Unexpected

Spontaneous learning recently occurred for one of my resident assistants when she had to deal with a tough situation. When everyone was freaking out, she remained calmed and handled the situation by calling who she needed to call to get the individuals the help they needed. While she had been previously trained through mock situations […]
Do You Have The Spring Break Blues?

What exactly is Spring Break Blues? Well, it’s when your still in the Spring Break mindset, so find yourself not being able to focus or be motivated on anything work related. Trust me, it’s a tough situation because you still want to be that hard worker and person that other people can depend on, but […]
Do you want to build a snowman? Getting People Involved is Sometimes the Hardest Part

This past week, thanks to a random snow storm, both the school I work for and the school I attend had snow days. While this sadly did not stop the massive amount of work that needed to be done for the day, after a successful morning of work, I ran into two of my lovely […]
Am I Hirable in #StudentAffairs?

The #SAchat conversation from yesterday was on credentials in Student Affairs. It was sparked, in part, by an initiative by ACPA to create a Student Affairs Credential Program. Within the first couple of questions it was clear that the relationships between credentials, competencies, qualifications, achievements, experiences, and degrees were confusing. Q1: How are we defining […]
Anything is Fun as Long as You have Two Things

SuperCamp is a 10 day academic and life skills program that happens throughout the summer for various ages. I worked mostly with the high school students. As you’d expect, no high school student wants to spend 10 days of their summer learning about speed reading, memory tricks, and positive thinking. Most would much rather be […]
Newsletter: February 2011

In February, the groundhog saw his shadow…or maybe he didn’t, we can’t remember which one means winter is over. All we know is that the long dark nights are nearly behind us, and the sunshine will soon be brighter than our computer monitors. Go towards the light, and start springing into spring with this Campus […]