Spaghetti and Meatballs with a Side of Trust

Why have a lazy weekend when you can experience the opportunities of growth, trust, and respect through meatballs? Yes, I said meatballs! More specifically, a spaghetti and meatball dinner. This weekend, I opened my apartment to my eight resident assistants and my fellow graduate resident director for a spaghetti dinner, and the outcome was amazing! […]
Dakota Once Owned a Donkey – Meet The New Member of the Swift Kick team

We are super excited to have Dakota join the team as our intern from January to June! Dakota a recent graduate from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, where she graduated with a degree in Developmental Psychology and the honor of Summa Cum Laude. Presently, she serves as one of two Graduate Resident Directors at The University of Pittsburgh […]
Try Not to Cry – Kevin’s Swift Kick Internship Reflection

These past 6 months have gone by way too fast! Nonetheless, working with an amazing team, making new friends, and developing a new connection with folks were all worthwhile. During my internship experience, I was challenged in every way possible on a constant basis. There was never a dull moment while being a part of […]
3 Ways to Use Geek Culture to Build Campus Community

You remember Dustin, a past intern? Well, he’s a rising student affairs star now, working at Husson University in Maine, and an avid blogger. He is also still very much involved in Swift Kick projects still. We love Dustin. Anyway, he wrote this awesome blog post connecting the “comic con” and “geek” cultures to student […]
A Fond Farewell: Moving on from Swift Kick

This first half of this year has been an eventful one for me. I graduated from my master’s program after two tough years, turned 25 years old, traveled for national conferences, searched for a full-time job, and perhaps most importantly, had the privilege to spend some time with pretty amazing people here at Swift Kick. […]
What Student Affairs Professionals Do [IMAGE]
The internet continues to provide an endless flow of memes that are easily translated to every profession. From “Sh*t Student Affairs Professionals Say” to the latest shown below… Hat Tip to Felecia George and Sandi Pope for sharing this one with us.
Am I Hirable in #StudentAffairs?

The #SAchat conversation from yesterday was on credentials in Student Affairs. It was sparked, in part, by an initiative by ACPA to create a Student Affairs Credential Program. Within the first couple of questions it was clear that the relationships between credentials, competencies, qualifications, achievements, experiences, and degrees were confusing. Q1: How are we defining […]
Education Reform: Feeling Like An Outsider
A couple of weeks ago, I attended the inaugural #140edu conference in NYC, which brought together several hundred educators for two days to talk about the future of education. Modeled after TED, each person was given roughly 10 minutes to talk about his/her topic. My topic was on leveraging social media to increase student engagement […]
Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/07/11)

Blogs: Facebook friending your students in Missouri is about to be illegal. (via Brian LeDuc) What would you put on a Residential Dream Sheet? Here’s John Gardner’s list. (via Brain Root) Facebook, StumbleUpon, then Twitter. StatCounter ranks the top social media sites in the UK for last month. (via Brain Gallager) Who do you think […]
Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/03/11)

Blogs: Stressed? Know the facts and you might be a little less stressed. (via Chris Conzen) DYK going to college in which you are overqualified might hurt you? A new program attempts to fix that. (via Joe Earley) The history of Supreme Court rulings and Student Organizations. (via NASPA Bookstore) The long road of equality with […]