Why This 9 Letter Word is So Meaningful

When I came here, I was looking for a community. Then I realized I was helping to create one.” – OSU If you look at the word “community” what do you see? Here at Swift Kick, this amazing nine-letter word means so much. Take a look as we break down each letter to explain why […]
Love All Ways – An End of the Year Reflection

As I walked by the sign, I read the words, processed it, but it took about ten steps (NYC steps, so 0.7 seconds) to interpret it. Love All Ways. Not a misspelling. Two directives that mean so much. While walking down 57th Street to get to the bootcamp class I teach, what I expected to be […]
Tom was on TV About the Hugging World Record!

Roses are red, Violets are blue. Hugs are free, For me and you! On Thursday, November 3, we hosted Student Free Hugs Day. Thank you to the College of DuPage for hosting the attempt at breaking a world record for the most number of hugs in one minute. It was an honor for Tom to […]
My Journey: How I Became a Hall Director

Res Life at KU – where my journey began College is where we find ourselves and discover what we want to do in life When entering Kutztown, I decided I wanted to be a Special Education Teacher. After the first year and going into my sophomore year, I switched to Communication and eventually picked up […]
That’s a Wrap on Free Hugs Day 2016!

Another Free Hugs Day is in the books! Over 30,000 hugs were pledged with over 40 schools. Thank YOU, the Swift Kick community, for an amazing day. Check out some Free Hugs facts and videos from this years event: Swift Kick’s official video Bridgewater State University Texas Tech Want in on more fun? Keep an […]
Community + Politics = Communitics

Each time there is a presidential election, people’s values and politics naturally surface. When they do, conversations can quickly become arguments and differences of opinion can feel like you’re speaking a different language. Because of some very heated topics, this could mean alienating people and that’s just not okay on #TeamHuman. Here are some tips to learn […]
Even Adults Will Play “Friend Bingo”

“I take cheating very seriously! Cheaters will be punished!-“ I yelled across the table at the noisy bar, laughing with my friends because I caught them red-handed. “Come on Sabina, that’s not cheating! You have to make sure I WIN!” they teased back. A couple of weeks ago, I co-hosted an event for our old co-working […]
How too many mixed up hands can produce a successful event

This post was written by a student we worked with. Andi is a current student leader at the university of New Jersey City. Andi’s area of focus is in Biology and is president of the Chemistry Club. Being the President of the Chemistry Club at New Jersey City University, I happened to notice that the events […]
What does your personality mean to you and your community?

My sisters and I were recently sitting in a cafe, and I was discussing potential educational icebreakers that I could organize for the group of resident assistants that I will supervise this upcoming year. A bunch of different icebreakers were brought up, but the two that stood out to me involved discovering the different personalities […]
Leadership is Not Always About Being Followed

During a short car ride home from the gym with my father, he started to share about what he had been thinking about during his workout. He shared that through his life experiences, he has learned that leadership is not always about making sure others are following you, but more about being willing to go […]