Meetings: I Was Doing Them All Wrong (You Probably Are Too)

Until I came to work for Swift Kick, I had the meeting thing down. Or so I thought. I had been taught since I was a resident assistant a specific way to run a meeting. Looking back, it’s as if all my supervisors had learned from the same place. It would look something like this… […]

5 Lessons About Time Management – #50MeetUps

The journey to #50MeetUps continues on a stop to a workshop about time management by Barbara, a Certified Professional Coach. It is always interesting to see to the different approaches people take to common topics, such as this one. The techniques offered were things I have heard before, but the discussions in between the techniques were […]

How to Host an Alice in Wonderland Themed Retreat

On Friday, the Swift Kick team got together to plan the first quarter of 2017. It was extra special because we got to meet Dee for the first time! Melissa and I have been planning this retreat for a while now, so we are so happy that our Alice in Wonderland day turned out perfectly. Step […]

The Intern Who Eats Her Pizza Crust First – Meet Dee!

New intern? Check. Every six months, Swift Kick welcomes an intern or two into the exclusive family. The new year will start in style as we welcome Dee Dube to the family! We can’t wait to get to know her at our retreat in January. Meet Dee: A junior at Southern New Hampshire University, we met […]

Love All Ways – An End of the Year Reflection

As I walked by the sign, I read the words, processed it, but it took about ten steps (NYC steps, so 0.7 seconds) to interpret it. Love All Ways. Not a misspelling. Two directives that mean so much. While walking down 57th Street to get to the bootcamp class I teach, what I expected to be […]

Little Letters – Jake’s Internship Farewell

Dear Swift Kick Team, It feels only appropriate that my final reflection would come in the form of some little letters. To think, applying for this internship was a only a few months out of the year. It feels like this experience has stretched so much longer than just Quarter 3 and Quarter 4. Thank […]

[WATCH] The Swift Kick Team Sings a Holiday Song for You

Whatever we do for this next video, I will not sing. -Melissa, 10 minutes before, we wrote a parody of the 12 Days of Christmas. Clearly, we don’t listen very well to our own advice. So, for our embarrassment, and your enjoyment, our 12 [out of tune] Days on Campus, written, directed, and performed by […]

Tom was on TV About the Hugging World Record!

Roses are red, Violets are blue. Hugs are free, For me and you! On Thursday, November 3, we hosted Student Free Hugs Day.  Thank you to the College of DuPage for hosting the attempt at breaking a world record for the most number of hugs in one minute. It was an honor for Tom to […]

Morals and Values

In light of recent events, I don’t want to talk politics. I don’t want to talk about rights and laws. What I want to challenge everyone who reads this blog, is to think about values. What Drives You At Swift Kick, we have values that hold our team members accountable. These values define the purpose […]

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