3 Reasons Your Team Thinks You’re Not a Morning Person (and How To Fix it)

6:00AM, Monday morning, that dreadful and loud alarm you set on your phone the night before starts screaming.  You immediately wake up feeling exhausted and dead, and you hit the snooze button, so you can get those extra few minutes that you “need.”  6:05AM hits, your alarm goes off again.  Still feeling exhausted and dead, you […]

Making Meetings Matter – Our 5 Favorite Meeting Activities

“Welcome to this week’s meeting. I would like to begin by doing an icebreaker.” *Audible groan and visible slouching in seats.* Meetings. Nearly every professional has them, some dread them, most do them wrong. Below, you will see our top 5 favorite icebreakers meeting activities to lighten the mood and build community on your team […]

How to Support a Team Member During a Big Life Event

It’s Wednesday morning and Melissa walks into the office. “Sabina, why are you staring at me?” -twitch– unintelligible string of words – “proofread crossword. Travel Tom, ring bearer gift” – twitch– Somehow, some way, she understood me. This is what happens when your wedding is four days away, and your team is the best ever. […]

Q4 Retreat: How to Build Your Own Swift Kick

September 18, 2017 set the date for yet another amazing Swift Kick team retreat day for the beginning of Q4! This quarter brought forth even more amazing and crazy memories from the Swift Kick family that I will happily share with you. For this quarterly retreat, the theme that Sabina and Melissa had devised was […]

Are You the Player, the Coach, or the Owner of Your Team?

My day started off by prepping for an upcoming monthly financial team meeting. Then I went into one-on-one meetings with my direct reports. Lastly, I finished my day by speaking at a leadership conference. To effectively perform each of these activities, I needed a different set of skills and mindset. As the leader of a team […]

How to Run the BEST Team Meetings, Without Boring Your Team

Raise your hand if you’ve experienced meetings that were a waste of time. Raise your hand if you’ve experienced the chaos that happens without meetings. Meetings – they are necessary, but only useful when done right. At some of my previous jobs, there weren’t any meetings in place. There was mass confusion and it made […]

What are 10 Different Types of Icebreakers?

Blog post featured image of 10 type of icebreakers

For the past few weeks   we have learned about why Icebreakers are important, how they are effective and ineffective. So, to end this crash course, let’s review some different types of icebreakers. Options are important! You never want your audience to get bored by using the same types of activities week after week. Take a look […]

Ineffective Icebreakers: What Not To Do

girl sitting on stairs

Recently, we talked about effective Icebreakers. But what about ineffective Icebreakers? Why is it important to know about them? You never want your group or organization to experience an ineffective icebreaker. These are the main reasons why people do not like icebreakers. Ineffective Icebreakers … Make People Feel stupid When doing icebreakers, individuals playing should […]

The Vision for Swift Kick 2.0

George Bernard Shaw once said, “Progress is impossible without change.” At Swift Kick, we have some big, audacious goals around helping leaders better lead their teams and engage their members. After 14 years of training leaders, we knew a few things needed to change to help us reach our bigger vision. As we look ahead […]

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